Most of the Amazon basin is as flat as a pancake and laced with extravagantly meandering waterways. One school of thought holds that more than 145 million years ago, when Africa and South America were joined, the Amazon's main stem was connected to t...
Last Friday night, I Twitted a photograph of myself that I intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in Seattle. Once I realized I posted to Twitter I panicked, I took it down and said that I had been hacked. I then continued ...
Every morning we wake up with the same choice: What will my attitude be today? Ask yourself that without fail. Decide that no matter what the day brings, your attitude will include three elements: an awareness of how far you’ve come, gratitude for ...
Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It's...
Unfortunately, religion often works to shrink and tame the very wild and mysterious forces that first drew our wonder. In the process of making the inexplicable safe for the masses, the possibilities for real illusion-piercing insight becomes reduced...
The dogma of the impossibility of determining the atomic constitution of substances, which until recently was advocated with such fervor by the most able chemists, is beginning to be abandoned and forgotten; and one can predict that the day is not fa...
All political movements are basically anti-creative — since a political movement is a form of war. “There’s no place for impractical dreamers around here,” that’s what they always say. “Your writing activities will be directed, kindly sto...
She is a slave, with no way home.
If a site is done with pleasure and a fun attitude, it's a great way to communicate with your fans.
You know the quickest way to get comedians to hate you? Do Letterman at age 24.
The surest way to be alone is to get married.
There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.
It is my conviction that there is no way to peace - peace is the way.
Of what is concealed can also be revealed.
Good to evil seems evil
I need sex for a clear complexion, but I'd rather do it for love.
The best way to feel family is being part of it.
You'll always be the deepest scar on my heart.
One can have a wit, but not a witless
Love is a madness. Love is Failer - Durzo Blint
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.