I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs.
This planet is 15 million years overdue for an asteroid strike like the one that killed the dinosaurs.
Almost all of my graduate students say that they got interested in dinosaurs because of 'Jurassic Park.'
Scientists have egos, and scientists like to name dinosaurs. They like to name anything. Everybody likes to have their own animal that they named.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: [looking at a huge mound of dinosaur faeces] That is one big pile of shit.
A young imagination is bold, likes to make bigger leaps. It likes to, well, imagine that the dustbuster is a dinosaur; that the computer mouse is a hotrod; that the box is a cave; that the rawhide is a torch... or a baton... or something.
These cumbersome vehicles were as convenient as if dinosaurs had survived to be used by cowboys for driving cattle
Within a diverse swarm of individuals and small groups, resistance can be anywhere and anytime; everywhere and all the time.
Dinosaurs are extinct today because they lacked opposable thumbs and the brainpower to build a space program.
Linear thinking typifies a highly developed industry. It starts to get these patterns built into it somehow. I'm not sure how that happens, but certainly you take a look at dinosaurs.
What you do on a dinosaur expedition is you hike and look at the ground. You find bones sticking out of the dirt and, once you see something, you dig.
To me it seems that the warm blooded dinosaurs replaced advanced mammal ancestors that were warm blooded, also.
We need to take command of the solar system to gain that wealth, and to escape the sea of paper our government is becoming, and for some decent chance of stopping a Dinosaur Killer asteroid.
The oil dinosaurs want to win so badly in my home state because what happens here matters everywhere. The nation often follows where California goes.
The impact of the magazine was very strong. As I said, it portrayed dinosaurs as part of the geological history, part of the story of life on earth. It struck that paleontology was the career for me.
There's no such thing as good or bad dinosaurs. There are predators and prey. The T-Rex in 'Jurassic Park' took human lives and saved them. No one interpreted her as good or bad.
I think that 'Lost' is a bit of a dinosaur in terms of the type of show it is. The economics just don't support making a show this big and complicated profitable enough for a network.
Keratin can be very colorful, as we see in birds. We'd expect dinosaurs to be very colorful because they basically invented the characteristics we see in birds.
Unfortunately, with dinosaurs, we haven't had enough specimens to determine how much variation there is within a species.
Boys like either dinosaurs or airplanes. I was very much an airplane boy.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: [seeing the dinosaurs for the first time] You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.