When faced with unbridled wildness of reality, dinosaurs fall into fevered delusions of grandeur. In fits of madness, they recreate the world in their own overblown image, bull-dozing the wild and replacing it with a wasteland that reflects their own...
Dinosaurs are the jumper cables to the human mind. Kids can't curb their enthusiasm when they're in a hall of dinosaurs and mammoths and mammoth hunters and trilobites and giant fish that could chomp up a shark. These natural objects in motion and co...
1925's 'The Lost World' is... really, everything a dinosaur movie should be. Like a dinosaur, this classic was once extinct too, existing as mere fragmentary footage and stills, but cinemaphile fossil-hunters have painstakingly excavated bits and pie...
What then, dear friend? We strive to increase beauty in this world of ours. But we’ll never eliminate the ugly. Should we even hope to? You’re a master painter. Isn’t the figure meaningless without ground? Without ugliness for contrast, how can...
The worse the country, the more tortured it is by water and wind, the more broken and carved, the more it attracts fossil hunters, who depend on the planet to open itself to us. We can only scratch away at what natural forces have brought to the surf...
What I’ve always insisted on from myself is to do as well as I could, and keep doing better until I’m at least competent. Long ago I learned that to achieve anything, one must start where one stands. Or spend eternity waiting for the right moment...
Dennis Nedry: [Nedry walks into a tree branch] Oh, Jesus Christ! [hears something] Dennis Nedry: Hello? [a dinosaur pokes its head out from behind the tree] Dennis Nedry: Yeah, yeah that's nice. Gotta' go! [the dinosaur is right behind Nedry now] Den...
I wouldn't call myself a dinosaur.
Dr. Alan Grant: [looking at a dinosaur herd] Tim. Tim, can you tell me what they are? Tim: They're, Gal... uh... uh, Galli... uh, Gallimimus. Lex: Are those... meat-eating... uh, meatasauruses? Dr. Alan Grant: [the dinosaurs change direction] The whe...
I was gaga about dinosaurs as a kid.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.
Children have a great urge to learn about dinosaurs.
I wonder why Steven wasn’t at swimming club tonight?” Archie asked. “He’s caught bronchitis,” Mrs Akran said. Imran thought for a second before replying. “I would like to catch a dinosaur too. I wonder what he feeds it?” Archie looked a...
Woody: [Woody is trying to find directions to Andy's house on Bonnie's mother's computer. Suddenly a chat window pops up, and Woody reads the username of its sender] Who's "Velocistar237"...? Trixie: [knocks Woody aside and starts typing frantically]...
I'm tired of being a dinosaur. Let's be meteors.
When the internet came in, Hulaki became a dinosaur.
The evidence is overwhelming that birds are dinosaurs.
I mean, in rock music terms I'm like a dinosaur.
Horizontal and vertical sprawl... are the dinosaurs of an ending fossil-fuel age of synthetic culture.
Never confuse efficiency with effectiveness.
Dinosaurs didn't read. Look what happened to them!