If you see a player out in public having dinner, chances are he's with his boring money manager or some boring rich guy he hopes to design a golf course for.
King Louis Philippe once said to me that he attributed the great success of the British nation in political life to their talking politics after dinner.
I lived in London for a time in the '90s and I love it here. You know, I just go and see shows and have great dinners and walk around.
Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with dinner, but it's not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great situation. Why would I want to risk self-destructive behaviour?
There's always a dinner to go to. There're always loads of people around. I was having fun working with my friends. For a while it all just kind of rolled together in a great way.
Thom is one of those wonderful people to cook for because he absolutely loves it, just loves it. He loves to eat and drink and he'd be a great guest at any dinner party.
It's just an American tradition to make sure people don't leave hungry. The worst thing is to have them say, 'Great dinner, but now I have to go get a burger.'
I'm the type of woman you might say is too good. I'll massage a man's feet, have dinner cooked when he gets home. But once they leave, the door is closed, and the locks are changed.
It's not like I'm starved for company - I have a few very good lady friends - but there's only a certain amount of times a woman wants to see you and never go out for dinner.
I really like to cook and have dinner parties and I like to clean, it really clears my head and it makes me feel good to keep my home as a comfortable place.
A man is in general better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.
Some venues are better run than others. Sometimes it's just maddening to deal with full dinners being served in front of your face. You can have a good or bad show anywhere.
We had an interesting thing at that first dinner. It was prior to the availability of several new hotels in Los Angeles, and we were more or less committed to the old Ambassador Hotel that has the famous Coconut Grove.
I enjoy hanging out with friends, going on hikes and playing tennis. I also enjoy Bible study and making dinners. I have a pretty mellow life away from the water.
In L.A., I'm always going to dinner and hanging out. In New York, it's like my life just feels crazier, and there's more options.
As hard as it is and as tired as I am, I force myself to get dinner at least once a week with my girlfriends, or have a sleepover. Otherwise my life is just work.
When it comes to cooking and eating, I always try to preach that life is about moderation. Even if I'm having beef for dinner, it's probably going to be a 3-4 ounce portion with heaps and heaps of vegetables.
If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I'm having a love affair with her. Of course that's rubbish. I'm not a playboy!
A man who is right by your side through everything makes you happy. But he can leave your side to make dinner once in a while!
Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable.
Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps full the dinner pail is valuable.