The kind man feeds his cat before sitting down to dinner.
Speech is the deadliest of revealers.' - Hercule Poirot, Cards on the Table
Our poker table is eight guys, and then I'm the ninth; I'm usually the only girl at the table.
When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money
What's the most humiliating thing? When you take someone to dinner or you cook somebody dinner and they get food poisoning. I mean, how bad do you feel?
At a formal dinner party, the person nearest death should always be seated closest to the bathroom.
François Pignon: Sometimes I feel like you're really taking me for an imbecile.
Who talks a lot at the table will leave it hungry.
When my child and I have eaten -- then clear the table.
When I am alone, my table manners are rather piggish, but i suppose that's because I don't eat at a table, I eat at my desk. Which could be considered a table, except we tend to define things by their function, and this particular surface is a desk, ...
Belief traps or frees us.
On the good days, my mother would haul out the ukulele and we'd sit around the kitchen table - it was a cardboard table with a linoleum top - and sing.
I hate a jovial table companion with a good memory.
The living are denied a table; the dead get a whole coffin.
Going to bed without dinner is better than waking up in debt.
I like something simple and traditional, like dinner and a movie. The best way to get to know someone is to have a conversation over dinner. And steak houses have a nice atmosphere - the lights are dim, and they usually have a band playing.
Sometimes I sit down to dinner with people and I realize there is a massive military machine surrounding us, trying to kill the people I'm having dinner with.
The Kennedys were very organized. Dinner was always served at 7:15, and if you were a minute late, it really wasn't worth it. In my family, you never knew when dinner was going to be. It could be at 7, or it could be at 10.
We have dinner every single night, Monday through Friday, with our children. We sit down around 6 or 6:30 and it's a family dinner - it's time to check in, just to be around each other.
Working with Ridley is working with one of the great filmmakers and one of the great raconteurs. You know, it's like, a dinner with Ridley Scott or a dinner with Martin Scorsese? You just want to cut your arm off to get those.
[last lines] François Pignon: [repeatedly] I'll call her back, everything will work out! Pierre Brochant: You idiot! What an idiot!