The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game.
I don't think there's a... boundary between digital media and print media. Every magazine is doing an online version.
There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that's important.
It's time to take decisive action to stop American and other multinationals from aiding and abetting the wrong side in the global digital arms race.
There is no way I could have ever dared to make a documentary, much less have the money to make a documentary, if it was on 16mm. But, with the magic of digital.
Digital imaging has untied our hands with regards to technical limitations. We no longer have to be arbiters of technology; we get to participate in the interpretation of technology into creative content.
There are some elements of digital photography that I don't really like, such as the fact that you see the results immediately.
In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?
In this digital age with its speed of change, any brand that refuses to innovate will die
Innovation is the art at the eyes of artist; the science at the mind of scientist; and the bridge between the art and science.
As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model.
Industrial capitalism brought representative democracy, but with a weak public mandate and inert citizenry. The digital age offers a new democracy based on public deliberation and active citizenship.
Style used to be an interaction between the human soul and tools that were limiting. In the digital era, it will have to come from the soul alone.
The problem with digital architecture is that an algorithm can produce endless variations, so an architect has many choices.
I had an idea for a technologically advanced luxury watch. I got involved in digital art and neon painting and put on shows of my work.
In an age of infinite digital documentation, paper was the last safe place for secrets.
Yahoo! has clearly established itself as the go-to destination for big events and breaking news, and we are focused on providing the best digital canvas for the world's greatest storytellers to create, develop and showcase their visions.
I've always been interested in invisible worlds, and I like to visit digital worlds, you know, any world that's imposed on us.
I think initially, the record industry struggled a lot with digital media because there are a lot of aspects to it that can potentially destroy our industry.
Combining the premium content and reach of Yahoo! as the world's leading digital media company with Facebook provides branded advertisers with unmatched opportunity.
Digital activism did not spring immaculately out of Twitter and Facebook. It's been going on ever since blogs existed.