If my name had not been cleared, it would have been difficult, perhaps impossible, to continue as a journalist.
Real action without the passion is difficult, but the real passion without the compassion is impossible.
My first biography written in '73 was not 'Journey To The Moon.' It was 'Return To Earth.' Because for me, that was the more difficult task - disappointment.
It's very difficult to talk about religion in Iran because religion has gotten so mixed up with politics.
One of the challenges Christians confront is how the politics we helped create has made it difficult to sustain the material practices constitutive of an ecclesial culture to produce Christians.
I justified it in so many ways. I had a very, very long and difficult struggle with my sexuality.
A woman will endure many wounds in her lifetime, but the betrayal of a friend is one of the most difficult to overcome.
My first big gig was an opening show for Frank Zappa, and I think that was difficult.
I feel like when the task is more difficult for me it's more exciting.
My thinking musically has always been more advanced - it is difficult to get it down onto paper sometimes, even now.
Way up high in the Shenandoah Mountains where I live, it is difficult to maintain illusions about the natural world. It is dying.
It's so difficult. Sometimes if I have dessert, I think, 'Well, I blew it.' That's something I need to work on and control. But still there's nothing like a buffet.
I'm really puzzled by why people in societies find it difficult to work collaboratively together with other people in societies.
Pairs skating and singles are two different things. Although some skaters have achieved this successfully, it is a very difficult transition. You're looking at double work.
It's a very, very difficult space to operate in, the restaurant business-it requires a lot of human beings to intersect at just the right place to make it all work out.
Marilyn was terrible to work with. I was fond of her, she was a nice girl, but she was a damaged girl. She was very difficult. You couldn't get her on the set; she didn't know the words.
I've seen a lot of women give up after they've had three or four bad gigs in a row. It's very difficult to learn not to take nasty heckles personally.
I was once a single mother, with very few resources, so I have a special place in my heart for women in difficult situations.
Would I ever have the courage to tell Wills the truth? That he wasn't just imagining the world was a more difficult place for him to understand than for some of his buddies - that it was, in fact, more difficult for him. That he'd been dealt a rotten...
Having bad experiences sometimes helps; it makes it clearer what it is you should be doing. I know that sounds very Pollyannaish but it’s true. People who have had only good experiences aren’t very interesting. They may be content, and happy afte...
Even though peak experiences might show us the truth and inform us about why we are training, they are essentially no big deal. If we can't integrate them into the ups and downs of our lives, if we cling to them, they will hinder us. We can trust our...