TV sounds are all the same; there's no difference between the sound of the wind in Northern Ireland and the wind on a Polynesian island.
It is obvious that an imagined world, however different it may be from the real one, must have something - a form - in common with it.
Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.
The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points;
People are different and it is this uniqueness that also makes it imperative for the definition or meaning of success be left to each individual to determine.
You're beginning to dislike me, aren't you? Well, dislike me. It doesn't make any difference to me now.
Once again, mules and their attendants would give him company. Often he thought he and the mules had no difference. Both carried other's loads.
The narrative of so many fairy tales are timeless in so many different cultures, and they have been since the dawn of man. They represent escapism, but they all feature themes that have such poignancy in a modern world.
I do not think I reinvent myself. Wearing my hair differently or changing my style of dress is playing dress-up. I don't take it too seriously.
The degree to which you're peculiar and different is the degree to which you must learn to hear people thinking. Just in self-defense you have to learn, where is their kindness? Where is their danger? Where is their generosity?
What's nice about what we have is when you enter the set, the world of film, it becomes this real cocoon, very different from all the publicity. That's the fun part.
We live in a very different world than the one that we inherited from our parents and from our grandparents. Times are changing, and states must adapt to win.
Grief is characterized much more by waves of feeling that lessen and reoccur, it's less like stages and more like different states of feeling.
Most allopathic doctors think practitioners of alternative medicine are all quacks. They're not. Often they're sharp people who think differently about disease.
On the stage you develop a character that's different from yourself. In a film they're always saying, 'Walk over here. Say this line. Be you.'
Democrats are fighting fire with fire. Our principled stance on Medicare and Social Security is absolutely no different than the Republicans' stance on no revenue increases without cuts.
I very often have night terrors. Just think of the worst possible situation, and it's a regular thing for me. I've died in my sleep twenty-three different ways.
In most cultures, you can have a kid at 18 and it's not a big thing. It's not like, 'Oh, you've got to get a different haircut and move to the suburbs and act, like, 35.'
I was always a filmmaker before I was anything else. If I was always anything, I was a storyteller, and it never really made much of a difference to me what medium I worked in.
Nelson Mandela so much believed in education-because he knew it lead us (social free)to political views different from the ones he implemented.
I was definitely different from the other kids... I was more ambitious. I knew what I liked and what I wanted, and I worked really hard. I was a very serious kid.