People have a different idea of how movies are made than they really are.
I know the difference between journalism and a slogan.
Apparently, I have a totally different sense of humour.
The only difference between a saint and a pervert is Hypocrisy.
There are so many different sub-societies inside of Syria.
A very subtle difference can make the picture or not.
I want to be a person who makes a quiet difference.
The things that make me different are the things that make me.
The goal is to make something that sounds new and different.
I'm always driven to keep doing something different and better.
I kept going to different colleges, but dropped out.
People used to say poems were different to songs but I don't think they are.
Our differences are policies; our agreements, principles.
The differences between a tart, a pie and a quiche are a blur.
Do not walk in God's ways on someone else's behalf.
There is no point in showing the way to an old hare.
The stone that is not in your way does not bother you.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Do not choose your wife on your way to the church.
Listening to good advice is the way to wealth.
On the way out, the road is rough; returning, it is smooth.