While women may look different, as some wear suits and others wear saris, or some cover their hair while others wear their hair loose, women need to stand together because they all face the central point of discrimination, although the extremity of w...
Who takes the child by the hand, takes the mother by the heart.
Never take the antidote before the poison.
Nothing is gained without taking risks.
I don’t know. Is that good-different, or I-should-come-with-a-warning-label-different?
As an actor, it's amazing to get to create different characters.
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
Like everybody I have many different sides.
I would like, certainly, to do different things.
We are treated different because we want to be treated different.
To get something different, you must do something different.
Time and clock time are two different things.
I want to make a difference.
One person really can make a difference.
Both my parents are actors, in very different ways.
If you care enough, you make a difference.
I try to avoid typecasting by doing different roles.
It's very rewarding if I make a difference to a kid.
There's a big difference between sanity and insanity.
I always wanted to be different. I always wanted to be first.
Reading a novel of a private experience, very, very different, the nature of it is very different.