No, it is not the same, everyday is different and special, never to be taken for granted.
All Over AgainThe difference between the true and the false is only a prejudice of ours.
If on a Winter's Night a TravelerThe battle is always the same, just with different chapters.
James Potter and the Hall of Elders' CrossingWith tybo men there isn't much difference between fucking and killing.
The Man Who Fell in Love with the MoonWe are all alone; the difference is someone of us in the bed and some of us on the street.
A moment with God ; PoetryLuthicer hummed. "You're either brave or very foolish." "What's the difference?" (Eric)
Minutes Before SunsetI engage in subtle stalking. That's entirely different and perfectly socially acceptable.
LovestruckThe difference between doing something and not doing something is doing something.
May I Have Your Attention, Please?: The AutobiographyThe only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the amount of press coverage.