Just taking risks for risk's sake, that doesn't do it for me. I'm willing to take risks that I think are worth it, and I've worked so hard to make sure that I survive.
When all's said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it.
Every advancing step I take toward my goal of comfort is yet another retreating step I take away from God's goal of the impossible.
To take this one shot at life and live it with God is to take this one shot and have it reverberate across and around my world as if it were a million shots and more.
We commend President Obama and his administration for taking this strong action against Iceland and its barbaric whaling industry... and we urge the President to take similar action against Japan and Norway as well!
-Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing, after all. -Take care, Lizzy; that speech savours strongly of disappointment.
I think the rule should be that if we're going to take actions overseas that result in the deaths of people, the United States should take responsibility for that.
The very essence of politeness is to take care that by our words and actions we make other people pleased with us as well as with themselves.
Not every financial company toppled during the 2008 crisis, and some seized the opportunity to take advantage of weaker competitors in the midst of the tumult.
One of the really fascinating areas is marketplaces that take advantage of mobile devices. Ridesharing is the obvious example, but that's just the start of it, of selling goods and services with lightweight mobile apps.
all that it takes is one smile to attract someone, but it takes one brain to explain to one heart why they both can fall in love with one person.
They didn’t realize that if you take away the possibility of pain, and suffering, failure…you also take away the possibility of happiness, success, and joy." -The Old Man: DOMINATUS
You know, people thought it was so sad that I gave up so much to take care of Emmy, but it wasn't sad. It was love, it was life.
The first thing you should do with an actor is not sign a contract with him. Take him to dinner. And take him for a walk afterwards.
I'm a character actor, so I don't take the hit if the movie's bad, the lead does. So, I don't want to be the lead. He takes the hit, I don't.
You must take the first step. The first steps will take some effort, maybe pain. But after that, everything that has to be done is real-life movement.
He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.
I live in a universe in which blame doesn't exist. I don't believe in being at fault; I believe in taking responsibility for your actions. If I do something wrong, I take responsibility for it.
I am in no mood to be deceived any longer by the crafty devil and false character whose greatest pleasure is to take advantage of everyone.
Children should always feel like the adults are living in this world to nurture them, to take care of them, to protect them from any bad thing that might come.
Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.