To actually know one's ass from a hole in the ground is to appreciate that the difference is mostly cosmetic.
I can't speak to the differences within the Catholic Church.
It is definitely a challenge to play Nathan, but the more different he is from myself, the more interesting the character becomes for me.
Something that always fascinated me was the psychology and the psychology differences between men and women and how we relate to one another.
Shakespeare is repeated around the world in different languages, just because it's good storytelling.
As a fiction writer, my favorite tools are my imagination and the peculiar opportunities offered by different points of view.
In English we must use adjectives to distinguish the different kinds of love for which the ancients had distinct names.
When a thing's done, it's done, and if it's not done right, do it differently next time.
Growing up on a set is completely different than coming onto a brand new set for the first time.
I'm probably working on three different scripts at any time, so there's never a time where I've got nothing to do.
I think the thing that I always try to do - because it piques my interest - is to play really different parts all the time.
I've done a lot of theater, and I know that it's a different audience each time who doesn't know the story, and we have to tell it.
I really think of the studio as being like craftsmanship time, and then playing is about releasing energy, and the two are really different.
Time is everything; five minutes make the difference between victory and defeat.
If I were to categorize what I sing, I have many different influences, and a lot of them are from back in time.
I remember the first time I put on the Army uniform. I just felt like a totally different person - I felt proud.
The whole bullying issue has really struck a nerve with me. It affects so many different types of people at a vital time in their lives.
Working on a film, you don't get time to develop rivalries, but the theatre is like a little village, and the differences between me, Lionel and Georgia grew.
There was a period when I had a hard time reconciling all the different parts of me in a way that I thought would make sense to others.
Long-distance relationships are hard no matter what. When you don't have face-to-face time, it's just different.
Everything becomes magnified at night. Sounds travel in a different way, it's dark, and everything seems far more spooky.