It’s hard to be different,” Scarborough said. “And perhaps the best answer is not to tolerate differences, not even to accept them. But to celebrate them. Maybe then those who are different would feel more loved, and less, well, tolerated.
Can you…make it different this time?” “Different, how?” “Different position, different…something. I want to learn it all.” Whoa, pressure. When Maira’s genius brain wanted to learn something, she really applied herself.
I want to encourage kids to speak up, to tell their stories. That is the only way people will know what we have to go through. Believe in yourself. Someone once told me being different isn't bad - different is just different!
I've got the greatest job in the world. There's no other job in government where cause and effect is so tightly coupled where you can make a difference every day in so many different ways and in so many different people's lives. It's a great challeng...
I think the great thing about grandparents is seeing another home, realising that people you love can have different priorities, different diversions, different opinions and lead quite different lives from the ones you see every day, and that is imme...
Different people have different ways of defining, living and maintaining relationships. Your way is not the only right way, it is merely your way. As far as right way is concerned, there isn't any. It is all about different opinions and perceptions.
We are endowed with different kinds of gifts for different kinds of services.
Some people make a difference, some people make you different.
With relationships, I've been through a lot of different situations with different people, and I write about it.
Don't dare to be different, dare to be yourself - if that doesn't make you different then something is wrong.
The books are all very, very different so the publishers really had to be different too.
Don't try to be different, that's not you, but just try to be yourself & that will make all the difference.
It's always been something I've been searching for - freedom. It's a very relative thing. It means different things to different people.
Everyone has a different beauty and different qualities and I think that women need to learn to love their qualities and be comfortable in the fact that everyone is different.
You can love more than one person in your life, but things will be different. There'll be a different dynamic. Needs and desires change.
At different times in my life I met God from a different point of view.
Since I don't look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good.
I love the interaction with different kinds of people. I like to shake things up, make a difference.
I love acting, and ultimately all my characters are very different, and each character I love in a different way.
It's totally different now, traveling to different meets and different cities and actually being able to enjoy the cities I'm in.
I've proved to myself I can get along in different kinds of parts and different kinds of productions.