The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.
Nationalism is form of collective narcissism, where the citizens possess an inflated self-love of "their own people," to the exclusion of other human beings.
We must rebuild organic communities, where people can come together and have analogue conversations and share stories, art, music and emotions.
We must each achieve greater individual consciousness and self-knowledge, and project mindful kindness toward everything and everyone.
Afford every soul you encounter the wide and free passage they need to give birth to the dear expressions they feel are important.
We must resist in-group thinking and practice seeing every soul as a brother or sister in a larger grouping of humans on earth.
When someone is suffering, there is a deep, visceral reaction in the core of our being, a flood of empathy and a frightfully desperate compulsion to give aid.
Let us subdue the ravages of the baser-self, and aspire to the higher calling of exalting joy through compassion, for that is the one true purpose of humanity.
We must seek together to address the good aspirations of people everywhere, for we are bound together through great commonality.
There can never be any real freedom on earth as long as people try to exert ownership over the natural resources of the world.
Each person carries within their core the birthright of creative freedom, which, when organized and orchestrated, is the most awesome force on earth.
Declaring our intentions for a safer and kinder world is the obvious first step toward attaining those goals.
Kindness is seen as weakness and intelligence worshiped, even when that intelligence allows unfathomable injustice and suffering to occur under its smart watch.
Since the human mind is the primary weapon of the human being, it is also therefore the primary and most significant instrument of violence.
The joy and smile of even one child is worth more than the prancing intellects of a thousand men, for we are, that we might have joy, and be free.
The only way is to teach with love, which requires looking beyond what seems, and remembering we create with our judgements.
The great thing about life-the most magnificent thing about being these sentient human beings-is that we have been given the power of choice.
Men can never have the true power they were endowed with by creation, until they respect and protect the women and children of the world.
There is a grand union beyond nationalism which serves all people, and which is rooted in what is real, versus what has been created or produced.
Nations and governments come and go, but people remain, and therefore people are the ultimate foundation of what is real and worthy.
The world will change when women reclaim their power as the sane, nurturing hands of love, which are ever reaching to cultivate a world of beauty, safety and harmony.