There is no reason for you to ever stop walking with faith, because you are amazingly built to win regardless of how tough or rough your challenges are.
You have to first position yourself with the right level of mannerism, before others could see a reason to respect you.
There are moments when even to the sober eye of reason, the world of our sad humanity may assume the semblance of Hell.
Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
I am always busy, which is perhaps the chief reason why I am always well.
There are reasons for believing that the English increase will far surpass others, and that the diffusion of the United States will ultimately produce the general population of America.
The masses will reject any theory, however reasonable it may be, if it lays a restriction upon the appetite.
The reason why I have survived as long as I have survived is what my friends, comrades and supporters thought was an extraordinarily cautious approach.
The only reason that it takes me seven years to do stuff is because I just don't really have a plan.
The reason I don't carry a mobile phone is I don't want people to know where I am!
Is there a chance? A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel? A reason to fight? Is there a chance you may change your mind? Or are we ashes and wine?
The reason is that a military defeat of Britain will bring about the disintegration of the British Empire. This would not be of any benefit to Germany.
The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.
For at the heart of the uniform, reasoning is shaky and elusive: a mind in search of ideas should first stock up on appearances.
Whether it's someone struggling with mental illness, someone struggling with poverty or struggling with their own limitations in their social behaviors, for some reason, I'm drawn to characters like that.
Generally I don't like doing remakes, but I think that's more in the cynical world of Hollywood where normally remakes are purely for commercial reasons.
It's heartbreaking but we're trying to get over it. As disappointed as we were, I think that somehow you have to find a way to think that it happened for a reason.
I am proud being an artist who takes risks, who would walk off a cliff artistically. I won't settle for commercial reasons.
So I'm in the Republican Party for the same reason I was in the Democratic Party: to make sure blacks are included, along with everyone else.
Like any other composer of opera, I choose a subject not for polemical reasons, but because it contains vivid characters in highly charged dramatic situations.
Here among my books, my wife, my friends and my loves, I have plenty of reasons to keep living.