Reason is a harmonising, controlling force rather than a creative one.
All which is beautiful and noble is the result of reason and calculation.
No computer is ever going to ask a new, reasonable question. It takes trained people to do that.
Simplicity, for reasons that are a little bit obscure, is almost not pursued, at least in the academic world.
It is impossible to reason without arriving at a Supreme Being.
Scripture is not inerrant; believers are called to interpret biblical texts in light of tradition and reason.
I always believe there's a reason why you go through everything.
Content is often the reason users come to your site.
A lion is called a 'king of beasts' obviously for a reason.
And all people live, Not by reason of any care they have for themselves, But by the love for them that is in other people.
But I think one of the reasons I tend to stay in the water most of the time is I distrust the comfort.
I started writing, or rather, thinking, stories as a child, and at that time the reason was very clear.
It was really fun. It was fun for a lot of reasons. It was fun because nobody thought that we would be successful. It was on a network that wasn't even there at the time.
There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
The fact of the matter is that the Internet has brought together millions of people who trust one another for reasons that are unknown.
The truth is, for some absurd reason, no one is willing to admit that the interests of the producers and the theater owners are not the same.
Marge Gunderson: [on lobby phone, asking advice about a restaurant] Is it reasonable?
Stuka: I knew there was a reason I got out of bed this morning.
The truth is, man is hereunto led by reason which is his nature.
Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not.
I kept a very full diary of my relationship with Nixon, for some strange reason, until he became president.