While a creator does and must worship Man (which means his own highest potentiality; which is his natural self-reverence), he must not make the mistake of thinking that this means the necessity to worship Mankind (as a collective). These are two enti...
If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everyb...
When people ask where I studied to be an ambassador, I say my neighborhood and my school. I've tried to tell my kids that you don't wait until you're in high school or college to start dealing with problems of people being different. The younger you ...
There is no condition so severe that you cannot reverse it by choosing different thoughts. However, choosing different thoughts requires focus and practise. If you continue to focus as you have been, to think as you have been, and to believe as you h...
She walks to a table She walk to table She is walking to a table She walk to table now What difference does it make What difference it make In Nature, no completeness No sentence really complete thought Language, like woman, Look best when free, undr...
When you're traveling constantly, every day you become inspired, and it shows in my work, sonically, lyrically, visually. Conversations with women with different accents and stories told in those accents. I like to create characters based on differen...
Reason is and ought to be, as Hume said, the slave of the passions.
Men kill for many reasons, they steal but for one-greed.
The reason can make as much damage as passion.
The choice was whether to be sad and foolish or sad and reasonable.
Gerçek din bilimsel bilgimizin kaynağıdır; bu bilgiden de tüm sanatlar türemiştir.
I love her beyond reason.
Why do you wake up in the morning?
Every family has secrets, Reena, and they’re there for a reason.
Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty.
If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in poor company.
You always were beautiful, and you always will be beautiful.
* The act of true giving is indistinguishable from receiving.
A disposable society is only fit for disposable people.
Patriotism is merely deeply-rooted government brand loyalty.
Within you is the power of unlimited creation.