Some people do polarizing the religion against science. I use both to solve a problem with two different kind of approach.
The world is rational and creative. It's a wonderful mystery for our minds to discover and celebrate . God's everywhere and we are all different. That's the beauty of it-the sheer diversity. What a tapestry to enjoy.
Witchcraft had once been widely used before cursed by the society. I see today the society presumes technology will have a different treatment.
❤️Kindness is a virtue that requires the least amount of effort and which can make the greatest profound difference throughout humanity!
Then I’d go home, return to a pattern of worry, unable to tap the surrender core to travel’s inspiration. What was different?
When I first met you, that's what I remember. I looked up at the sky and thought, I'm going to love this person because even the sky looks different. the whole fucking world is different." "It's about to get worse," Steve said. "Then I'll call for food," Vincent said. "Mirren, this might be our last meal. Any preferences?
That which now calls itself democracy differs from older forms of government solely in that it drives with new horses: the streets are still the same old streets, and the wheels are likewise the same old wheels.
It is the small, mundane choices we make every day that cause the biggest difference
The difference between extras and audience members is that audience members don’t get chairs. Audience members are the daylaborers of the industry. When it's sunny, we stand in the sun. When it’s cold, we stand in the cold.
Here's what I think...There is no unfucked up. People think there is, but there's not. We're all fucked up in different ways. It's simply a question of making your fuck-ups work for you."-Aidan
It is different with the upper classes. They, following science, want to base justice on reason alone, but not with Christ, as before, and they have already proclaimed that there is no crime, that there is no sin. And that's consistent, for if you ha...
while she wanted to look neither to her past nor her future, she lived exclusively in both. They had took different paths, but they had journeyed, so she realized, together.
The primary difference I see is that unschooling is an invitation to awaken and ennoble capabilities that exist within the child. Where traditional schooling is to fill the child with facts that we, as a collective have decided upon.
I wish she’d said something different, but patriarchy is as prevalent around the world as racism and xenophobia are. We can’t hide from it, not even here.
I'm not copying you!" Luke said. "A werewolf is totally different than a vampire! You're creepy all the time. Mine is just, like, a monthly thing...." "Like PMS?" I suggested. "Shut up!
People fear anyone who differs from what is considered normal, and in a small town the idea of normal can be as narrow as the streets.
They used to tell me if you’re depressed anyway, why not be depressed and take a walk instead of being depressed and staying in bed? If it makes no difference, why not get up and go out?
…only in the few universes that are like ours would intelligent beings develop and ask the question: “Why is the universe the way we see it?” The answer is then simple: If it had been any different, we would not be here!
Men and boys always want to go fight. They are always looking for a reason to go to war. It is the saddest thing. They have this abiding notion that war is fun. And no history lesson will convince them differently.
Have you seen some of the women - and the men - in Los Angeles? They pay surgeons to make them look completely different in the hope of finding their youth. But youth comes from within. If you have a young attitude, then that can show in your face, t...