The agendas on the management side of the table now are not in sync like they used to be because you have vastly different entities supplying programming to networks.
Spending a few moments right when you wake up to inspire and motivate yourself can make all the difference in the rest of your day.
We are living in a different world now. You can see it everywhere in international relations: It was noteworthy that, after his visit to Washington, the Chinese president's next stop was Saudi Arabia.
I know a lot of parents of kid actors I've worked with have pressured them into acting, but my parents are different. I'm really lucky to have them because they let me make my own decisions.
Love, Hope, and Reverence are realities of a different order from the senses, but they are positive and constant facts, always active, always working out mighty changes in human life.
Astrology's a moving system that depends on where you're looking at it from on Earth. My horoscope here in London would be completely different to down in New Zealand.
The issue for us is rebuilding a governing majority that is comfortable with differences that can transcend the divisiveness and unify behind the principles that we know our party has succeeded on.
We are different, my friend. We are visionaries. A monkey looks up and sees and banana, and that is as far as he looks. But a visionary looks up and sees the moon.
Usually, when you do video games, you don't interact with the other actors. You each record your audio on different days, and you never really meet the other characters.
The United Nations did a study just over two years ago, and that blew my mind. I started thinking that if people are vegetarian for one day a week, that makes a huge difference!
I think the only difference between me and other people is that when I hear of an interesting historical incident, I immediately write it down and Google it.
See, to me, rock'n'roll doesn't have any point. It's just fun. It has a million different angles and they're all valid. But I think rock might be a world issue.
Every different director has another language - for instance, Hitchcock does not like any bright color ever, unless the story says 'there goes the girl in a red dress.'
Everyone of us has a high mountain to climb and a deep valley to level but the only thing makes us different to each other is the way we deal with these obstacles.
Life doesn't make any sense, and we all pretend it does. Comedy's job is to point out that it doesn't make sense, and that it doesn't make much difference anyway.
Sometimes I'm stressed and I'm sick of things and I need to forget about them for a while, so in Harry Potter you're taken to this wonderful imaginary world where everything is so different.
Psychopaths... people who know the differences between right and wrong, but don't give a shit. That's what most of my characters are like.
I don't wish I did anything differently. The most important thing to me was to play baseball.
The job of the screenplay is to identify and extract the essence of the story from the novel and reconfigure it for the screen, maintaining its essence in a different vehicle.
The pictures are created by the listener, with a little help from the broadcaster. The pictures are perfect. If you're showing pictures, different things in that picture can distract from the spoken word.
The philosophical idea that there are no more distances, that we are all just one world, that we are all brothers, is such a drag! I like differences.