Reading for me will be a combination of books, magazines, Tumblr and just kind of the Web in general on the iPad.
Music is healing and soothing. It is the universal language of kindness and love.
Kindness is the best style that you can wear anytime and anywhere.
With love in the heart and kindness in the mind, nothing is impossible.
I am very simple and kind of a man to be a politician.
A heart with love flies like a dove in the sky of beauty and kindness.
There is nothing more uplifting than love, except love with kindness.
Greatness is in simplicity and in kindness, like Mother Theresa.
Kindness if the best form of prayer and a gift of pure love.
Kindness is the highest form of service to the humanity.
Novels are a kind of experiment in selfhood, for the reader as well as for the author.
Honor is kind of what you get when you weaponize manners
Honor is kind of what you get when you weaponize manners ...
I never wanted to be an actor. I got stuck in it and kind of liked what I was doing.
In high school, I was kind of a loner because I had moved to a new school.
...I pray this winter be gentle and kind - a season of rest from the wheel of the mind...
There are all kinds of under-represented groups in the literary establishment.
Fame was initially this kind of blunt tool that was thrust into my hands very young.
I'm pretty simple, I don't use a hairbrush or a certain kind of hair product.
Kindness is loving people more than they deserve.
I loved acting as a kid because I was kind of shy, so it brought me out of myself.