I'm this strange kind of fusion of jazz, pop, and R&B.
You know, all kinds of people inspire me.
There are so many emoticons these days, I'm kind of old fashioned.
I know when something is kind of half-baked.
Movies can be a kind of advertisement for a city, a place.
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
I'm kind of like a bit of everything wrapped into one.
It might be thematic work. It might be theatrical. I enjoy that kind of work.
My work is through my emotions, so everything kind of goes together.
The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.
Guerrilla war is a kind of war waged by the few but dependent on the support of many.
My attitude is always one of sensuality, aggressive enthusiasm and a kind of outrageousness in my expression.
For an adult, eating alone at McDonald's is admitting a kind of defeat.
It's kind of awkward to eat alone in a restaurant because everybody's looking at me.
That kind of imagination is why we're not dead.
Kindness is the supreme intelligence.
The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example.
Sometimes you kind of lose yourself in someone else's personality.
I was a very shy, overly big, kind of creepy-looking kid.
I kind of like being depressed.
Basically, I'm a free spirit. I'm kind of an Everywoman.