The difference between success and failure is persistence.
The young generation has a different curiosity that is more visual.
Of course the orders all converge backward in time, to different degrees.
If somebody asked me about my inspiration I would say that it's not the peopleand it's not the things, it's travel and experiencing different environments.
The aura of soccer is very different from other sports.
You have to work for everything. Marriage should not be any different.
People always are desperate to have others acknowledge that they are different.
The difference between a drunkard and a madman is 10%.
In the studio, I'm always throwing people on different instruments.
You want positive, go elsewhere. Go find a different lie.
Talent perceives differences; genius, unity.
I always like an environment where there's lots of women and everyone's different.
Along with age comes more confidence, so it kind of works out.
Artists need a lot of collectors, all kinds of collectors, buying their art.
Friendship is the best kind of ship.
The best films of any kind, narrative or documentary, provoke questions.
I'm not the kind of guy who has best friends.
It is kind of nice to have a common purpose.
The best kind of praise is intelligent praise.
I'm kind of a private person in a way.
The brain is a muscle, and I'm a kind of body-builder.