Of course mothers and daughters with strong personalities might see the world from very different points of view.
God formed an alliance based on the world as it is, full of flaws, whereas prayer calls God to account for the world as it should be.
If we cooperate with Him in loving obedience, God will manifest Himself to us, and that manifestation will be the difference between a nominal Christian life and a life radiant with the light of His face.
Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.
He had no racial feeling—not because he was superior to his brother civilians, but because he had matured in a different atmosphere, where the herd instinct does not flourish.
People are naturally hardworking but will stop working hard at anything if they learn from experience that their effort makes no difference.
The difference between the modern laws and those of the past is that wisdom is no longer a respected requirement and it has become secondary in importance to bureaucratic procedure.
For you will certainly carry out God's purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John.
You're only a man! You've not our gifts! I can tell you! Why, a woman can think of a hundred different things at once, all them contradictory!
If the rules make such a difference, then it becomes very important who gets to make them.
When people come together and discuss their differences based on life issues that are shared, it brings about successful changes.
Feeling like a winner. There is no need for a race after all. I just mastered how to walk Differently this time.
You can't do anything about the past, it's done and can't be mended. But the future is different, if you just think what you really want and reach out and take it.
We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things-it's all just a different kind of the same thing.
I don’t think this is working out between us,” I told him. “You and I want different things. It’s not me, it’s you.
Your impression of me is different than my impression of me. But that’s OK, because your impression is impressionistic, like a Monet painting, while mine is realistic, like a Rembrandt.
The difference between those who adapted and those who didn't, Gorton said, was a willingness to totally commit.
I want to mass produce wretchedness. An unsatisfactory factory. Then I want to produce cologne and stench—at different ends of the production line. So it would be an olfactory factory.
I’m different than other men in that I’m indifferent to the ins and outs of concave and convex relationships. I feel that women like that I’m like that.
When people say they don’t read, I always wonder if they don’t because they can’t or because they won’t. Then I think, what’s the difference? Either way they are ignorant.
Why have you left me, Yesterday? Was it because I slept with Today? I have a routine. Every day I do something different.