But say some, would you expose woman to the contact of rough, rude, drinking, swearing, fighting men at the ballot box? What a humiliating confession lies in this plea for keeping woman in the background!
Anorexia and bulimia seem to be getting much more common in boys, men, and women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds; they are also becoming more common in racial groups previously thought to be impervious to the problem.
A producer is always behind the scenes, even more in the movies - nobody sees you. I didn't even meet most of the actors. When I worked on 'Top Gun,' I never met Tom Cruise. You were always in the background.
While I anticipate the moment to come home to my wife, she anticipates the moment I comes home to her. Marriage is a beautiful portrait, and Love is a beautiful background.
Offhand, the only North American writers I can think of who have come from a background of rural poverty and gone on to write about it have been Negroes.
I came from a socially deprived background when I was 15, 16 years old, but one thing I knew was one - you don't abuse a policeman, and two - you don't steal things.
News is so often a report of conflict, an account of problems, a thing of the day and even of the minute, that sometimes I think we make the background darker and the shadows deeper than they actually are.
If anyone tells you that you're too old to be an entrepreneur or that you have the wrong background, don't listen to them. Go with your gut instincts and pursue your passions.
You know, I find it so difficult being a... as a matter of fact, little do people know that most of the leading members of the cast have a background that they would never expect them to have, and play the show they did.
My background is somewhat unusual, as I trained to be a ballet dancer. I worked in the theatre for eight or nine years as a contemporary dancer. But as an actor one does read Shakespeare and does try to learn the classics.
Working within the limitations of the shared world generally made the writing easier, because I didn't have to invent any of the characters or background, which is usually the hardest part.
My background is a small town with no movie theater. So... I always pictured myself onstage. I went to acting school and learned all the skills. I left early because I did my first movie and discovered that I really loved the minimalistic work with t...
I never saw "being different" in and of itself as the point to "being Goth" -- dressing different from most others, maybe, but the point to me was to get together with people who liked the same music and clothes, or at least very similar music and cl...
Winners don;t do different things, they do things differently.
I have seen many ladies displaying different styles and different styles displaying ladies.
There are as many different kinds of books as there are writers - as many different responses as there are readers.
I really admire artists that are willing to take a different approach and a different angle to their shows.
I'm not tribal Labour. I'm a Liberal at heart. Different tradition, different language.
There is a big difference between a tree and a wood! There is a big difference between a thinking society and an unthinking society!
We all have these notions of cool that come about at different points in our lives, and it's interesting in how it evolves or doesn't evolve in different people.
Love to me has meant different things at different junctures of my life. I'm not a hopeless romantic.