Ada sesuatu di dunia ini yang tidak perlu dipikirkan alasannya, mengapa dan bagaimana. Kalaupun ada kehidupan setelah ini, saya masih akan melakukan kebodohan yang sama. Saya akan tetap mencintai Atran.
When we died, no one would know, and that fraction of a moment that was so important to who we were would be gone.
Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe.
When Numa died, Rome by the twin disciplines of peace and war was as eminent for self-mastery as for military power.
Forgiveness is healing—everything is energy—thoughts create—we are all connected—what you resist persists—true love never dies—the soul’s immortality is the only true immortality—
By the way, Boots died and Opal says she hopes you're satisfied.
Cinta butuh dipelihara. Bahwa di dalam sepak terjangnya yang serba-mengejutkan, cinta ternyata masih butuh mekanisme agar mampu bertahan.
She told the truth as she saw it, and she died for it. I came along for the ride, and I lived. It wasn't worth it. But it was the truth, and it was what had to happen.
I had a lot of other ideas, now and then, but every time I took a second look at one, it got sick and died.
When someone loves you so much that He dies for you, you can trust that any rewards He promises are going to be good.
Men's loyalty to their women dies hard - and almost always too late. ("I'm Dangerous Tonight")
For humans—trapped in biology—there was no mercy: we lived a while, we fussed around for a bit and died, we rotted in the ground like garbage.
Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don't.
Ia kembali teringat nasihat kiai Lukman saat masih di pesantren dulu, "Eling-Elingo yo Ngger, endahe wanojo iku sing dadi jalaran batale toponing poro santri lan satrio agung
Sono ricordi da trattare con delicatezza per non sporcarli o gualcirli, come oggetti fragili che rischiano di rompersi se li maneggi troppo a lungo
Telah terbukti dalam sejarah keagamaan dan politik, bahwa usaha untuk menindas seorang pemimpin, akan membuat namanya semakin hidup di hati rakyat.
...[we] has left nothing durable to signalize his stay upon this planet. [we]eventually dies to the honest regret of [our] associates.
Hidup ini Anakku, hidup ini tak ada harganya sama sekali. Tunggulah saatnya, dan kelak engkau akan berpikir, bahwa sia-sia saja Tuhan menciptakan manusia di dunia ini.
A blanket could be used to wipe away my tears. But it’d better be a blanket the size of America, because I’ve been crying since Andrew Jackson died.
Non può esservi alcuna sottomissione – perché il fatto stesso che parliamo di questi argomenti indica che vi è curiosità, e la curiosità è insubordinazione nella forma più pura.
When the star dies, Its eye closes; tired of watching, It flies back to its first bright dream.