Dies iral, dies illa Solvet Saeclum in Favilla Teste David cum Silylla That Day of Wrath, that day of burning Seer and Sibly speak concerning All the world to ashes turning
Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die.
I don't want to be remembered as a woman from Saint Louis who died. I want to be remembered as a woman from Saint Louis who left and actually did something with her life. Then died.
I think English punk died in '79 or '80. Maybe '82 at the latest. As far as American punk goes, it wasn't the same as English punk. It wasn't a working-class movement that was protesting the conditions under which this class had to work. I don't thin...
In this first testing ground of the atomic bomb I have seen the most terrible and frightening desolation in four years of war. It makes a blitzed Pacific island seem like an Eden. The damage is far greater than photographs can show.
My son died for lies.
You flirt with a widow, but do you know how her husband died?
Contare i sassi perdendo il conto è il senso della nostra vita: l'algebra dei nostri spostamenti. Seguire percorsi perdendo il senso è la circonvoluzione, l'evolversi: la logica dei nostri istanti. Ma. No. Non c'è simmetria nei nostri atti. Mai il...
RIDE A WHITE SWAN" "Ride it on out like a bird in the skyway, Ride it on out like you were a bird, Fly it all out like an eagle in a sunbeam, Ride it all out like you were a bird. Wear a tall hat like the druid in the old days Wear a tall hat and a T...
Il Diavolo raggiunse l’infinito. Lo chiamava così, perché lo associava alla spinta creatrice primordiale, cui assistette quando il suo giovane cuore aveva ancora la massa del sole, e quel cuore pulsava ogni due secondi emettendo la luce più inte...
At least ten times as many people died from preventable, poverty-related diseases on September 11, 2011, as died in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on that black day. The terrorist attacks led to trillions of dollars b...
«Questo liquido è tecnicamente una minestra» continuò Jack, dopo aver tolto il coperchio. «Posso scodellartene un mestolo?» «È piacevole vedere resti di piselli così antichi e consunti che perfino i vermi non li hanno voluti e sono morti al ...
«C'ero, prima di nascere? No. Ci sarò dopo la morte? No. Che sono? Un po' di polvere tenuta insieme da un organismo. Che cosa debbo fare su questa terra? Ho la scelta: o soffrire, o godere. Dove mi condurrà la sofferenza? Al nulla; ma avrò soffer...
Hukum karma pasti berlaku, Boi," kata Paman dengan serius. "Maka jangan kau nakal dan jahat, ya. Nanti kau kena hukum karma." Aku mengangguk angguk dengan takzim. Kusimpan benar pelajaran itu.
Nasionalis yang sedjati, jang nasionalismenya itu bukan timbul semata-mata suatu copie atau tiruan dari nasionalisme barat akan tetapi timbul dari rasa tjinta akan manusia dan kemanusiaan
The word 'experienced' often refers to someone who's gotten away with doing the wrong thing more frequently than you have.
Not that she's a political animal, she's just an ordinary woman, but as a woman she's of the view that you don't bring children into the world to have them shot.
Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.
We get the odd notion that God is showing mercy because Jesus died. No. Jesus died because God is showing mercy.
Perfect behavior is born of complete indifference. Perhaps this is why we always love madly someone who treats us with indifference.
The whole problem of life is this: how to break out of one's own solitude, how to communicate with others.