I don't want to die!" "Then you should never been born.
I'm a giant pimple on the face of humanity.
To die is nothing, but to live with purpose and integrity, that's something
***HERE IS A SMALL FACT*** You are going to die.
I hope I'll die on stage at the age at 105, playing Peter Pan.
I think about dying. I've come to realize we all die alone in one way or another.
I'd like to make as much art as I possibly can before I die, so I'm working on a few things.
Is today a good day to die? Is today the day? And if not today–when?
Man ist am Himmel umgeben von einer Scheinwelt, die eigentlich schon längst Geschichte ist.
Does wanting to die equal losing your mind?
too young to live, too old to die
I'm too young, too smart and too good-looking to die.
Fear is a cruel master, but hope die a hard death.
I'm going to die whatever you do, but I'm not afraid.
Tonight you die to be reborn in the morning, like every second that exists
Do anything, save to lie down and die!
Is one to die voluntarily or to hope in spite of everything?
[A]lles ist moralisch, aber die Moral selbst ist nicht moralisch!
Und wenn mir nachts die Sonne scheint ist niemand da der mit mir weint
Two conclusions follow, die a death, live a death.
It's not so much that I want to die as that I'm tired of living.