My definition of dictionary can’t be found in the dictionary. Dictionary—A linguistic prison, confining words to well-defined cells, with little chance of parole.
A dictionary can only be read when it is printed.
Hash, x. There is no definition for this word - nobody knows what hash is. Famous, adj. Conspicuously miserable. Dictionary, n. A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic. This dictionary, howe...
My favorite books are a constantly changing list, but one favorite has remained constant: the dictionary. Is the word I want to use spelled practice or practise? The dictionary knows. The dictionary also slows down my writing because it is such inter...
Grammarians make no new thoughts, but thoughts make new grammar.
It’s not easy to be God.
In my dictionary, and everyone's dictionary in the 1970s, the word 'queer' did mean strange and unusual. There was no slur to it.
The best grammarian still can't write a verse.
People are under the impression that dictionaries legislate language. What a dictionary does is keep track of usages over time.
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.
Pain is always a fanged serpent, but to the fearful it has a hundred heads.
Faith is the belief in the invisible. It would be a dull world, indeed, if only the visible were reality.
Dictators long ago found that it is easier to unite people in common hatred than in common love.
If you look in the dictionary under 'perfectionist,' you see Henry Selick correcting the definition of perfectionist in the dictionary. I mean, he is so meticulous.
Whatever betterment we have today was carved out of a world of stone by men of the hammer, not men of hope.
The Hebrews have no name for Him, the Moslems have a hundred. Both suggest the same thing, that there are concepts as well as emotions that can be communicated only allegorically.
Raised in a completely nonreligious family, never attended any church and was a thoroughgoing atheist all his life.
Will I have to use a dictionary to read your book?" asked Mrs. Dodypol. "It depends," says I, "how much you used the dictionary before you read it.
Faith is nothing but knowledge that what we understand is only a shadow of the Unknown. Faith is the science of the pitiful limitations of man's mental scope.
In his numerous historical and Scriptural works rejects all supernatural religion, and represents Christianity as a natural product of the mingling of the Stoic and Alexandrian philosophies...
One idea to a sentence is still the best advice that anyone has ever given on writing.