It devolves upon the United States to help to motorize the world.
Before there were any sort of 'recordings' there was performance. If we are devolved back to the Stone Age tomorrow, there will be performance.
Upon you, fellow-citizens, as the representatives of the States and the people, is wisely devolved the legislative power.
When the world lacks muscular and wise American leadership, it devolves into total chaos, which, in turn, produces unspeakable evils.
My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility.
The checks and balances is a way to prevent government from either devolving into an autocratic tyranny or an autocratic mob mentality.
Awards shows have devolved into self-parodies - liberals in limos, corny insider jokes delivered by the hosts among bad teleprompter reading from the some of the best thespians on the planet.
Much melancholy has devolved upon mankind, and it is detestable to me that might will triumph in the end.
My poems... the ones that start out as jokes become these big ponderous things and the ones that start out ponderous devolve into jokes.
Trials are no longer about freeing the innocent, punishing the guilty, and making restitution to the injured. They have devolved into a contest over who will win.
With so much to be aware of, awareness bracelets have reverted to signifying nothing more than color itself. Idealism has devolved into fashion.
I thought that all of the sacrifices and blessings of the whole history of mankind have devolved upon me. Thank you, God.
Changes to parliamentary procedure won't transform the lives of the people whom I represent. Decentralising, devolving decision-making and renewing civil society will.
Without vision, a church devolves into a lukewarm, aimless organization characterized by infighting, budget grabbing and a dead heart for the lost.
Unfortunately, music devolved instead of evolved. The music business got into the hands of lawyers and accountants rather than the entrepreneurial creative people, and that's when the beginning of the end started. It's all based on money instead of a...
I'm one of those people where, the more responsibility I have, the better I become. The more I rise up to it. The less responsibility I have, the more I can easily devolve.
My dear, the duty that devolved wholly on you in my absence of guiding and expanding the minds of our dear children is a laborious one and a responsible one.
Every document, apparently ancient, coming from the proper repository or custody, and bearing on its face no evident marks of forger, the law presumes to be genuine, and devolves on the opposing party the burden of proving it to be otherwise.
Realistically, it's a risk, I suppose, but in this day and age, you almost have to choose between freedom, which can devolve into chaos, and security, which can become a pair of shackles.
Koch's youthful idealism about libertarianism had largely devolved into a rationale for corporate self-interest.
He would say her name over and over until it devolved into meaningless sounds - mah REI kuh, mah REI kuh - it became an entry in a dictionary of loneliness.