You start to think bigger when you see how quickly a TV show can catch on in a whole country. That confidence, and thinking big, opened a lot of doors.
American workers won't be able to compete fairly for jobs until companies have to pay higher wages in countries like China and India.
There is no place, no country, more compassionate more generous more accepting and more welcoming than the United States of America.
No one can feel as the owner of the country and no one can feel excluded from the right of property. We must all suffer Colombia.
At the end of the day, there is no doubt that the unique spirit embodied by this country has worked, not just to make the world safer, but to make it better.
However, the resources at our people's disposal are very few and we require assistance from the neighboring Arab countries, and for weapons in order to fight the enemy.
Countries around the world are celebrating new oil and natural gas discoveries that hold the promise of greater prosperity for their citizens.
I'm very disappointed in my country right now, because I think we've kind of lost our moral compass.
In almost every country there are elements of opinion which would welcome such a conclusion because they wish to return to the politics of the balance of power, unrestricted and unregulated armaments, international anarchy, and preparation for war.
I was forced to come into politics because Saakashvili had destroyed the opposition. I had a choice either to leave the country, because it was dangerous to live here, or to go into politics.
The whole idea of a democracy is that we ourselves, the people, are supposed to make a path of our politics, and it is we who with our feet and our vote and our labors and our vigilance are supposed to shape our country.
As leaders, we need to rise above petty politics and lead, rather than follow, the various interests and pressure groups in our respective countries.
Most Italians who came to this country are very patriotic. There was this exciting possibility that if you worked real hard, and you loved something, you could become successful.
Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers.
If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms never never never!
But I think there was a sense amongst the House Republicans especially that we didn't just want to be opposed to Bill Clinton; that we wanted to tell the country what we were for and to brand ourselves in a more positive manner.
I contracted malaria in rural Mozambique. I was a youth ambassador for Australia. For a year after high school, you give positive speeches about Australia and as part of it I traveled to lots of different countries.
You in Lebanon, your power is no match to Israel. Israel, militarily, is more powerful than you and maybe it is more powerful than all the Arab countries, or most of them.
I think of L.A. as truly the melting pot. It's basically a mini-country unto itself.
And under our system, much like you see in the U.K., of course, a party working with another party can form a coalition and govern the country.
I have been a victim of stereotypes. I come from Latin America and to some countries, we are considered 'losers,' drug traffickers, and that is not fair because that is generalizing.