When you're asked/told to come to Canberra by your Prime Minister, in the country I grow up in, you obey that.
Contrary to the myth that Mr. Bush cut taxes only for the wealthy, the 2001 tax cut reduced taxes for every income-tax payer in the country.
I never go into the country for a change of air and a holiday. I always go instead into the eighteenth century.
There are all sorts of inventive ways to get your film out there: sometimes via the Internet, sometimes via viral screenings in people's living rooms across the country.
The struggle against poverty in the world and the challenge of cutting wealthy country emissions all has a single, very simple solution... Here it is: Put a price on carbon.
I'm just very wary that once you start military operations in any country, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome is.
The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts in the hour of danger.
I never thought that I could reach such a high political position. But I have always been ready to serve my country.
To me, AIDS is an international epidemic and every country can be affected by it. Therefore, it can be discussed on an international level. Unfortunately, AIDS doesn't require a visa.
The tragedy of September 11th was so sudden, so enormous, and so horrendous, both in terms of lives lost and global consequences, that this country and the world went into immediate and prolonged shock.
Russia is a state within a state. To understand the population of Russia, you need to know the areas of the country; you need an understanding of the people and their interests.
There is so much that we need to do for our country. I don't think that we can afford to wait.
I saw many aspects of the country which I needed to see in order that I might know what we need to do.
Providing employment is the best form of social service, as it serves you, others, your country, your world - the entire society.
I went to Yosemite as an homage to Ansel Adams. I could never be Ansel Adams, but to know that's there for us - there's so much for us in this country.
One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your three closes friends; if they seem OK, then you're the one.
I don't have any opinions about Russians. There are celebrity persons in each country. Different people do different things.
Many countries persecute their own citizens and intern them in prisons or concentration camps. Oppression is becoming more and more a part of the systems.
Educated and productive young people are needed to help lift their countries out of poverty and create a wealthier, more secure world.
Whether they will or not, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it.
I'm passionate about mobilizing young Latinos to get to the polls, so I'm involved with Voto Latino. Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.