My autobiography was simply the story of my life.
When you see a Sudanese walking on the street, there is a story.
All stories are, in some form, prayers.
I try to tell a story musically in a song.
That MySpace is the story of the year. Everyone but my mother is on it.
I want to write a book of poetry, as well as children's stories.
My specialty is two things: music or really strange stories.
Maude Lebowski: The story is ludicrous.
Once upon a time, there was a story. But no one to tell it.
I'm telling the same story in every film.
It's always the story that interests me.
I like to deconstruct things, deconstruct genres and stories.
If you're telling a story it's always best not to play the ending.
Now you know the rest of the story.
It sounds trite, but I like telling stories.
I'm a New York story.
History is the same story with different costumes.
My stories are character driven.
Les Miserables is one of my favorite stories.
Stories are Life’s instruction manuals.
But basically, I'm trying to write a fun story.