I have always been interested in fashion and even contemplated being a fashion designer at one point of time.
God has spared the naked man from washing his clothes with soap.
The wife carries the husband on her face; the husband carries the wife on his clothes.
A man who always wears his best kimono has no Sunday clothes.
He whose clothes are too fine, shall go about in rags.
Every fault is laid at the door of the hyena, but it does not steal a bale of cloth.
He who does not mend his clothes will soon have none.
Give a naked man a piece of cloth and he will say it is too thick.
Give a man some cloth and he'll ask for some lining.
Even if the intelligent design of some structure has been established, it still is a separate question whether a wise, powerful, and beneficent God ought to have designed a complex, information-rich structure one way or another. For the sake of argum...
Sketches are social things. They are lonely outside the company of other sketches and related reference material. They are lonely if they are discarded as soon as they are done. And they definitely are happiest when everyone in the studio working on ...
Perceiving the world as well designed and thus the product of a designer, and even seeing divine providence in the daily affairs of life, may be the product of a brain adapted to finding patterns in nature. (38)
I appreciate the sentiment that I am a popular woman in computer gaming circles; but I prefer being thought of as a computer game designer rather than a woman computer game designer. I don't put myself into gender mode when designing a game.
'Kit Kittredge' was an amazing experience because I got to go to Canada, and it was my first 'era' film, so I got to wear the 1930s clothes, the real vintage clothes.
I treat clothing or a piece of jewelry like it was a piece of art, even though people who collect clothes get a bad rap because they're told it's all vanity.
Grief denied will surface in borrowed clothes, the mad, sad clothes of paranoia, fear or loneliness
A Dandy is a clothes-wearing Man, a Man whose trade, office and existence consists in the wearing of clothes.
I respect a man not for the clothes he wears, but for the clothes he doesn’t wear. Yes, nudity is an admirable thing indeed.
I'm not interested in clothes that just convey a certain look or fashion. Clothes for me have always been a form of self-expression.
People said making clothes inside out was not proper. I disagreed, because clothes that are inside out are as beautiful as a cathedral.
I think you should suffer sometimes to be attractive and beautiful, so I cut the clothes very slim because I like to feel the clothes on my body.