It takes a lot of time, focus and energy to realize the enormity of being the ocean with your very own tide every month. However, by honoring the demands of bleeding, our blood gives something in return. The crazed bitch from irritation hell recedes....
Writers make everybody nervous but we terrify Silly Service workers. Our apartments always look like a front for something, and no matter how carefully we tidy up for guests we always seem to miss the note card that says, "Margaret has to die soon." ...
Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because t...
Ce vrem noi, femeile? Dac-am şti ce vrem, ar fi foarte simplu, însă ne complicăm în fiecare clipă, cu fiecare gând. Ne enervăm pentru toate prostiile şi-i supărăm şi pe ei. Ne supărăm până şi pe noi cu toate nimicurile astea. Dacă t...
Kate Gompert’s always thought of this anhedonic state as a kind of radical abstracting of everything, a hollowing out of stuff that used to have affective content. Terms the undepressed toss around and take for granted as full and fleshy—happines...
Aber auch Glück ist anstrengend. Ich finde nichts frustrierender, als neben einer auserwählten Person zu liegen und das Bedürfnis zu haben, ihr so nah wie möglich zu sein. Man kann sich umarmen und verknoten, bis man schwarz wird, man hat immer d...
A amoreira gigante à sua frente. O tronco destaca-se do sincretismo da mata, mas se eu percorrer com os olhos o tronco para cima, a folhagem dele mistura-se à folhagem geral e é de novo o sincretismo. Só o tronco se destaca, se individualiza. Tal...
Diciendo esto besó mi frente y me abrazó como si no quisiera soltarme nunca. Enterré mi cara en su pecho, mientras él inclinaba su cabeza hacia abajo para presionar su mejilla en lo alto de mi cabeza. Mi cuerpo temblaba a horrores, estaba nervios...
Sürekli yanyana yürümek, her yere birlikte gitmek, birlikte yemek, yardımlarını esirgememek… Bunlardan fazlası olduğunu düşünüyorum aşkın. O da bana, aşkın bunlardan fazlası olduğunu söylüyor. Gerçek aşkın bunlardan çok daha...
¡Ay mísero de mí, y ay infelice! Apurar, cielos, pretendo, ya que me tratáis así, qué delito cometí contra vosotros naciendo. Aunque si nací, ya entiendo qué delito he cometido; bastante causa ha tenido vuestra justicia y rigor, pues el deli...
Wie es im Zeitalter der Könige naiv gewesen wäre zu glauben, dass der erstgeborene Königssohn der zum Herrschen Geeignetste wäre, so ist es in unserer zeit naiv zu glauben, dass der demokratisch gewählte Machthaber der Geeignetste sein wird. Die...
—No me digas «No, Ender». He tardado mucho tiempo en darme cuenta de ello, pero créeme, me odiaba, me odio. Y todo se reduce a esto: en el momento en el que entiendo a mi enemigo, en el momento en el que le entiendo lo suficientemente bien como ...
o gün akşamüstü son bir defa daha kırlarda dolaşmaya çıktığında yaşadığı tuhaf bir anı hatırladı: bir dere kıyısına gelmiş, çimenlere uzanmıştı. uzun süre orada öylece uzanmış, akarsuyun ta içinden geçerek bütün acı...
The first treatise on the interior of the body, which is to say, the treatise that gave the body an interior , written by Henri De Mondeville in the fourteenth century, argues that the body is a house, the house of the soul, which like any house can ...
Marquise de Merteuil: When I came out into society, I was fifteen. I already knew that the role I was condemned to, namely to keep quiet and do what I was told, gave me the perfect opportunity to listen and observe. Not to what people told me, which ...
[Zero has just shown M. Gustave the newspaper article announcing Mme. Celine's death] M. Gustave: Dear God! Zero: I'm terribly sorry, sir. M. Gustave: We must go to her. Zero: We must? M. Gustave: Tout de suite. She needs me, and I need you, to help ...
Knights of Camelot: [singing] We're knights of the Round Table, we dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes with footwork impec-cable, We dine well here in Camelot, we eat ham and jam and Spam a lot. / We're knights of the Round Ta...
In the end, this volume should be read a s a collection of love stories, Above all, they are tales of love, not the love with which so many stories end – the love of fidelity, kindness and fertility – but the other side of love, its cruelty, ster...
Hábeis e frios calculadores podem vir demonstrar, ainda e sempre, que o sonho do erasmismo é impossível, e os factos poderão parecer dar-lhes razão; isso nao impede que sejam sempre necessários os seres que indicam aos povos aquilo que os aprox...
Though I did not have the statistics, just observing the number of women on the streets during peak hours dressed for work, it was obvious that a greater percentage of women in Vanni went to work outside the home. There were also more women in civili...
Yeşil kokular saçan nemli bir sessizlikti bu, karanlık bir sessizlikti, çeşitli engebeleri, çeşitli kapıları ve koridorları varmış gibi görünen derin ve meçhul bir sessizlikti ve Ziya o anda bu sessizliğin gelip içine dolduğunu hiss...