—Mm —dijo una vocecita en su oreja—. Difícil Muy difícil. Lleno de valor, lo veo. Tampoco la mente es mala. Hay talento, oh vaya, sí, y una buena disposición para probarse a sí mismo, esto es muy interesante... Entonces, ¿dónde te pondr�...
postremo pereunt imbres, ubi eos pater aether in gremium matris terrai praecipitavit; at nitidae surgunt fruges ramique virescunt arboribus, crescunt ipsae fetuque gravantur. hinc alitur porro nostrum genus atque ferarum, hinc laetas urbes pueris flo...
Lo que mucha gente llama amar consiste en elegir una mujer y casarse con ella. La eligen, te lo juro, los he visto. Como si se pudiera elegir en el amor, como si no fuera un rayo que te parte los huesos y te deja estaqueado en la mitad del patio. Vos...
The magic in that country was so thick and tenacious that it settled over the land like chalk-dust and over floors and shelves like sticky plaster-dust. (House-cleaners in that country earned unusually good wages.) If you lived in that country, you h...
(...) Porque se antes eu também queria enormemente estar no Brasil de um modo geral, agora fiquei indiferente quanto ao lugar onde viver - foi esse o resultado do isolamento na Suiça. Aprendi a não querer ninguém. Não era exatamente isso o que e...
Emilia typed in her password and checked her inbox. A review by the Secretariat de Gobernación of drug cartel activities across Mexico. A report of a robbery in Acapulco’s poorest barrio neighborhood that would probably never be investigated. Noti...
Con los dedos temblorosos voy pasando las páginas mientras que cuento mentalmente cuántas víctimas hay. Tres...Cuatro...Cinco...seis... El tiempo se detiene cuando llego al siete. Mi cerebro se reinicia como si fuera un ordenador roto al que, en u...
Cabeza de Vaca had wrapped her in his arms and in his language, whispering about a life she did not understand although understanding seemed to form just beyond the sea and sand, waiting there for her to grow older. Even when the story confused her, ...
I was living and dying in all the fibers of what is chewed and digested and in all the fibers that absorb the sun, consuming and digesting. Under the thatched arbor of a restaurant on a river-bank, where Olivia had waited for me, our teeth began to m...
No se debe oponer resistencia a la corriente: hay que ir hacia arriba cuando hay que ir hacia arriba, y hacia abajo cuando hay que ir hacia abajo. Cuando debas ir hacia arriba, busca la torre más alta y sube hasta la cúspide. Cuando debas ir hacia ...
[Über das Paradies:] Die fünf Bücher Mose, die Genesis und der Koran beschäftigen sich eingehend mit dieser hysterischen Geographie. Die muslimische Variante ist jedoch am gelungensten und lohnt wirklich die Lektüre: Bäche, Gärten, Flüsse, Qu...
The seasonal urge is strong in poets. Milton wrote chiefly in winter. Keats looked for spring to wake him up (as it did in the miraculous months of April and May, 1819). Burns chose autumn. Longfellow liked the month of September. Shelley flourished ...
Hepimiz bazen birbirleriyle o kadar yakınlaşırız ki dostluğumuzu ya da kardeşliğimizi hiçbir şey engellemiyormuş gibi görünür, bizi ayıran küçücük bir köprü vardır, hepsi o kadar. Ama tam sen bu köprüye adım atacakken sana şu...
It is acknowledged that father-daughter incest occurs on a large scale in the United States. Sexual abuse has now been included in child abuse legislation. A conservative estimate is that more than 1 million women have been sexually victimized by the...
Yo no me callo Perdone el ciudadano esperanzado mi recuerdo de acciones miserables, que levantan los hombres del pasado. Yo predico un amor inexorable. Y no me importa perro ni persona: sólo el pueblo es en mí considerable: sólo la Patria a mí me...
Siebel, The Magazine has a man in a suit on the cover. He's not smiling, or frowning. He wears a beard that isn't a beard; it's a quotation from a film nobody can put their finger on. 'Customer satisfaction,' says the brochure. 'Seamless integration....
. . . In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, an...
Às vezes me lembro dele. Sem rancor, sem saudade, sem tristeza. Sem nenhum sentimento especial a não ser a certeza de que, afinal, o tempo passou. Nunca mais o vi, depois que foi embora. Nunca nos escrevemos. Não havia mesmo o que dizer. Ou havia?...
Porque en los momentos mas tristes hay alguien que llora contigo, sufre porque tu sufres, te entiende perfectamente bien cuando te enojas, comprende que en el fondo de tu enojo hay dolor, y no te deja nunca sola. Porque en los momentos mas felices br...
Colonel Rolland: [dictating a letter] The plot describes above constitutes, in my view, the most dangerous single conception that the terrorists could possibly have devised to endanger the life of President De Gaulle. If the plot exists as described,...
Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the great traitor. There must be no other. Anyone who even thinks about deserting this mission will be cut up into 198 pieces. Those pieces will be stamped on until what is left can be used only to paint walls. Whoever takes...