Mr. de Pinto, the dog who protects sheep quickly learns how to direct them, and it becomes a habit. The people have been trained by their 'watchmen' to jump, and to trample what the 'watchmen' want trampled. "I have found, that those who would guard ...
6.4311 Der Tod ist kein Ereignis des Lebens. Den Tod erlebt man nicht. Wenn man unter Ewigkeit nicht unendliche Zeitdauer, sondern Unzeitlichkeit versteht, dann lebt der ewig, der in der Gegenwart lebt. Unser Leben ist ebenso endlos, wie unser Gesich...
THE ACCURSED SHIP didn’t sink for a full three hours. By the time it did, I was feeling so traumatized that even watching Dogface die offered little consolation. The dialogue, the acting, the vast emptiness of the whole endeavor! Was that what pass...
De pronto no puedo decirte lo que yo te debo decir, hombre,perdóname; sabrás que aunque no escuches mis palabras no me eché a llorar ni a dormir y que contigo estoy sin verte desde hace tiempo y hasta el fin. I can't just suddenly tell you what I ...
Por esta solidão, que não consente Nem do sol, nem da lua a claridade, Ralado o peito pela saudade Dou mil gemidos a Marília ausente: De seus crimes a mancha inda recente Lava Amor, e triunfa da verdade; A beleza, apesar da falsidade, Me ocupa o c...
Cum, cine sunt? Sunt eu, traiesc; si traiesc asta, si merg cu 90 de kilometri pe ora in localitate, cu 110 pe drumurile nationale, cu 130 pe autostrazi, cu 600 pe ora in capul meu, cu 3 pe ora in corpul meu, conform tuturor legilor jandarmeriei rutie...
Without Thomas Jefferson and his Declaration of Independence, there would have been no American revolution that announced universal principles of liberty. Without his participation by the side of the unforgettable Marquis de Lafayette, there would ha...
I think I am beginning to understand why grief feels like suspense. It comes from the frustration of so many impulses that had become habitual. Thought after thought feeling after feeling action after action had H. for their object. Now their target ...
Hammacher Schlemmer is selling a shelter, worthy of Kubla Khan's Xanadu dome; Plushy and swanky, with posh hanky panky that affluent Yankees can really call home. Hammacher Schlemmer is selling a shelter, a push-button palace, fluorescent repose; Ele...
Ik dacht dat alles anders zou worden en dat is ook zo. Alles wordt altijd anders, daarom merk je het niet als het gebeurt en weet je nooit precies hoe je je voelt. Pas maanden later, misschien wel jaren, hoor je ineens een liedje uit die tijd en dan ...
Mrs. Danvers: Oh, you've moved her brush, haven't you? [moves it slightly] Mrs. Danvers: There, that's better. Just as she always laid it down. "Come on, Danny, hair drill," she would say. [picks up the brush and goes through the motions of combing t...
Bill Sampson: [to Eve] "Don't let it worry you", said the camera man, "Even De Mille couldn't see anything looking through the wrong end!" So that was the first and last... Margo Channing: [entering] Don't let me kill the point. Or isn't it a story f...
Les vraies universités ne sont pas celles que nous avons construites. C'est facile à dire une fois qu'on le sait. Les vraies universités subvertissent, elles corrompent, ce sont des institutions dangereuses et, qui plus est, elles peuvent être tr...
J'ai voulu ce matin te rapporter des roses ; Mais j'en avais tant pris dans mes ceintures closes Que les noeuds trop serrés n'ont pu les contenir. Les noeuds ont éclaté. Les roses envolées Dans le vent, à la mer s'en sont toutes allées. Elles o...
Ik riep: “Doornroosje! Je bent ternauwernood meer van belang! Ternauwernood… Nog net wel. Nog niet helemaal niet. “Ik houd ternauwernood oneindig veel pijnlijk nauwgezet en desalniettemin niet voor herhaling vatbaar nog net wel van jou”, zei ... honouring the demands of our bleeding, our blood gives us something in return. The crazed bitch from irritation hell recedes. In her place arises a side of ourselves with whom we may not-at first- be comfortable. She is a vulnerable, highly perc...
Ian colgó el teléfono y me besó. Me apretó más fuerte contra su cuerpo y con su mano libre me tomó del cuello, sin ninguna prisa. Sus labios jugaron con los míos, su lengua paseaba con ligereza por mi boca, suavemente metió su mano bajo mi su...
Amintirile din trecutul său deveniseră mult mai puternice acum. Se convinsese că avea să și-o scoată din minte și suflet. Căpătase toată cruzimea pe care o dorise. Jurase să o urască atât de mult pe cât o iubise, să o deteste pentru ne...
In asking for a relic of Descartes, the chevalier de Terlon was standing at the crossroads of the ancient and modern. He was applying to a modern thinker - the inventor of analytic geometry, no less - a primitive tradition that extends back not only ...
Idag samlar vi skor och bilar, igår flintyxor. Utan tvivel har arkeologer funnit betydligt fler flintyxor än vad människan rimligtvis behövde. Jag tror att flintyxorna handlar om en längtan, kanske en rädsla. Om jag bara har tillräckligt mång...
It is their mores, then, that make the Americans of the United States...capable of maintaining the rule of democracy.... Too much importance is attached to laws and too little to mores.... I am convinced that the luckiest of geographical circumstance...