Ollowains Blick wanderte über die Waldterrassen. Er könnte hier Stunden sitzen, ohne des Schauens müde zu werden. Der Anblick der Natur vermag die Seele zu heilen, hatte ihm seine Mutter vor Jahrhunderten erzählt. Damals war er zu ungeduldig gewe...
¿Quién soy? ¿Para qué vine al mundo? ¿Por qué no puedo encontrarle gusto a la vida?Los filósofos no son los únicos que se hacen estas preguntas: también los vividores profesionales. La diferencia es que nosotros no buscamos respuestas: sólo...
Tal vez el cuerpo y la mente están estrechamente unidos. Tal vez seas tan sensible porque tu corazón no es realmente tan fuerte e insensible como te gusta que la gente crea. Has padecido tanto desde que eras un niño y probablemente hayas tenido qu...
Mas uma vez o senhor me disse: "Que Deus a abençoe! Que Deus a perdoe!" E se foi capaz de me dizer isso naquela ocasião, não hesitará em repetir agora as palavras... agora que passei pelo aprendizado mais duro do sofrimento, que posso compreender...
...Don't be surprised, and I say it darkly, do not be surprised if you lose your Luke in this cause; perhaps Mrs. Dudley has not yet had her own mid morning snack, and she is perfectly capable of a filet de Luke á la meuniére, or perhaps dieppoise,...
Por lo que a las novelas largas se refiere, salvo por algunas excepciones, me mostraba bastante desconfiado. Pero 'Jean-Christophe' -de Romain Rolland-, con su empecinado individualismo, sin mezquindad alguna, fue para mí una saludable revelación. ...
Devrim Devrim tinsel bir fenomendir.Politik devrim,sosyal devrim veya ekonomik devrim diye bir şey yoktur. Devrim sadece bireysel ruhlar için mümkündür.Sosyal devrim sahte bir olgudur çünkü toplumun kendine ait bir ruhu yoktur.Tek devrim ruhu...
By nature independent, gay, even exuberant, seductively responsive and given to those spontaneous sallies that sparkle in the conversation of certain daughters of Paris who seem to have inhaled since childhood the pungent breath of the boulevards lad...
Cómo besa… Cómo decirlo…, ¡no sé cómo decirlo! Un beso lo es todo. Un beso es la verdad. Sin demasiados ejercicios de estilo, sin retorcimientos extremos, sin enroscamientos funambulísticos. Natural, lo más bonito. Besa como a mi me gusta....
Somos el uno para el otro, no puedes negarlo, tú eres la única persona en el mundo que puede calmarme cuando estoy molesto, y se que yo soy el único que te tranquiliza cuando le temes a algo. Nosotros no… No necesitamos palabras, simplemente con...
I hated cats. I was a dog lover," Des says with a shrug. "What's the point of a cat? They're not affectionate. But that's because it's not my cat. I mean, your wife wouldn't jump on my lap. That's because she's your wife, not mine. Until you have you...
You can argue that it's a different world now than the one when Matthew Shepard was killed, but there is a subtle difference between tolerance and acceptance. It's the distance between moving into the cul-de-sac and having your next door neighbor tru...
she was flighty and poor, a French studies major who quoted Simone de Beauvoir. She wiped her runny nose on her coat sleeve when it was snowing, stuck her head out of car windows the way dogs do, the wind fireworking her hair. That woman was gone now...
Geschichten sind die Essenz des Lebens, Apolonia", sagte er, so ernst wie immer, und sie hatte das Gefühl, dass es auf der ganzen Welt keinen gescheiteren Menschen gab. "Menschen kommen und gehen. Aber Geschichten überdauern die Zeit, denn sie sind...
Todo es símbolo y atraso, y nosotros, los que somos dioses, sólo tenemos un grado más alto en una Orden, cuyos Superiores Incógnitos no sabemos quiénes son. Dios es el segundo en la Orden manifiesta, y no me dice quién es el Jefe de la Orden, e...
Finally, after a glance at Notre Dame and a brisk trot through the Louvre, we sat down at a cafe on the Place de l'Opera and watched the people. They were amazing -- never had we seen such costumes, such make-up, such wigs; and, strangest of all, the...
Wir werden als abhängige Bürger geboren. Vom Moment unserer Geburt an sind wie Abhängige. Ein Zeichen dieser Abhängigkeit ist die Geburtsurkunde. [...] Entweder erhälst du die staatliche Urkunde [...], was dir zu einer Identität verhilft, die d...
What moralists describe as the mysteries of the human heart are solely the deceiving thoughts, the spontaneous impulses of self-regard. The sudden changes in character, about which so much has been said, are instinctive calculations for the furtheran...
Não, a “vida” não imita a “arte”. A vida imita a arte que a imitou a ela. Mas a vida é por vezes tão distraída, que não dá pela imitação ou pelo sonho que a arte lhe criou. E é por isso que a personagem mais aberrante de um romance,...
Love does not traffic in a marketplace, nor use a huckster's scales. Its joy, like the joy of the intellect, is to feel itself alive. The aim of Love is to love: no more, and no less. You were my enemy: such an enemy as no man ever had. I had given y...
Society, as we have constituted it, will have no place for me, has none to offer; but Nature, whose sweet rains fall on unjust and just alike, will have clefts in the rocks where I may hide, and secret valleys in whose silence I may weep undisturbed....