I love as you come into Paris, you've got the Arch de Triomphe and all that crazy traffic. Then I love the drive from Paris down to Antibes and you veer off east in through the Alps and you come into the south of France on the mountain road as oppose...
Le mal est un mystère plus profond que le bien car, dans le bien, il y a une lumière, un dynamisme, une affirmation de la vie. Comment peut-on choisir l'obscur.
On n'est point un homme supérieur parce qu'on aperçoit le monde sous un jour odieux. On ne hait les hommes et la vie que faute de voir assez loin.
Fernando González y Lozano __________________________ 1.- Conoce el Producto. 2.- Seduce al Cliente. 3.- Despierta una Necesidad si no la expresa. 4.- VENDE. 5.- Sigue el mismo patrón de Conducta. __
Si vous n'êtes plus capable de faire la différence entre Laura et une image, je vous plains, monsieur Valence. La vie ne doit pas être marrante.
The fact is, that what de Sade was trying to bring to the surface of the conscious mind was precisely the thing that revolted that mind . . . From the very first he set before the consciousness things which it could not tolerate.
Te pido, tan solo, que veas en ese gran amor que dices tenerme algo suficiente, algo que pueda llenarnos a los dos sin necesidad de recurrir a la imaginación enfermiza.
No soy de las que esperan grandes actos, sólo silencio. Que no insistan ni prometan tanto. Sólo que se callen la boca si no saben si van a cumplir. ¿Cómo puede ser eso tan difícil?
Hay quienes no pueden imaginar un mundo sin pájaros; hay quienes no pueden imaginar un mundo sin agua; en lo que a mi se refiere, soy incapaz de imaginar un mundo sin libros.
There are a lot of artists in Gowanus, and certain things come into your visual vocabulary from living there - the scale of the subway and the canal, sometimes it almost looks like a de Chirico painting, with the intense angles of the shadows and eve...
I'm amazed by just constantly - there's not a week that goes past where there's not someone in Ulan Bator or Rio De Janeiro suddenly says, 'Ooh, 'Downton' started this week.' You completely forget it's staggered across the world.
As a necessary prerequisite to the creation of new forms of expression one might, I suppose, argue that current sensibilities respond uniquely to the notion of exhaustion as exhaustion, although that does de facto seem rather limiting.
[...]eu nunca tive porra de ideal nenhum, eu só queria era salvar a minha, veja só que coisa mais individualista elitista capitalista, eu só queria era ser feliz, cara, gorda, burra, alienada e completamente feliz.
Dr. Cox mentors the rookie doctors with a spoonful of dirt and then a cup of sugar. I see him as an archetypal descendent of two of my favorite curmudgeonly characters: Lou Grant and Louie De Palma.
So many die without our caring, decline to silence in rooms beyond hearing. We honor the dead and abhor the dying. - from the story "De Composition
En el amor no está escrito yo voy amar a tal persona y no a la otra. Muchas veces en la vida ocurre lo contrario, terminas en una relación de amor con la persona que menos pensabas.
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering
Stand-up comedy is the most relaxing thing I do. If I want to unwind and de-stress, I go out and do stand-up, often several shows in a night.
Isso é bem outra coisa", replicou Alberto, "porque um homem que se deixa arrastar por uma paixão violenta perde a faculdade de refletir e deve ser considerado como um ébrio, como um demente.
[the policeman tells her Vincente has probably run away] Madre de Vicente: He promised to be back for dinner.
I have cervical cancer. I'm what they call a DES baby... I have been cancer free for 7 years now... I had it the first time when I was 19 and then it came back a few years later after I went through treatment.