Spacewalking is a little like rock climbing in that everything, including and especially oneself, must be tethered or docked at all times. If you forget to tether a tool, it's gone. Ditto yourself.
I approached Red Square three times, trying to find somewhere to land, before discovering a wide bridge nearby. I landed there and taxied into Red Square.
The Founders didn't mention political parties when they wrote the Constitution, and George Washington in essence warned us against them in his Farewell Address.
As all of us are only too aware, the loud and frantic voices of the outer world easily drown out the small, still loving voice within.
I have known healthy, wealthy people who were depressed, and people with critical illnesses who could honestly attest to joy.
Jesus was a human being who, while on Earth, completely self-actualized and fulfilled in all ways the potential glory that lies within us all.
Allopathic doctors used to laugh condescendingly at those who posited that psychological, emotional and spiritual factors were important contributors to the sickness as well as healing of the body.
Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of light.
People who attend support groups who have been diagnosed with a life-challenging illness live on average twice as long after diagnosis as people who don't.
The same group of New York pseudo-intellectuals who've put down prayer are the same ones who put down L.A.
Tragedy takes us to the very state of consciousness which, were we to hold to it, would go far toward preventing further tragedies.
The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memorized glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow's past.
I say, if you believe what you read in the comic strips, then you believe that mice run around with little gold buttons on their red pants and drive cars.
When I introduced a black soldier, Lt. Flap, in 1971, the Stars and Stripes banned the strip. They were having racial problems and thought it would increase the tensions.
There's no single effort more radical in it's potential for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
I'm doing now with cornets exactly what I used to do with trilobites: measuring, analyzing and cataloging the myriad gradations of their forms.
No es que hayamos olvidado por completo el lenguaje de los gestos (…) cuando está oscuro y no podemos ver, sentimos la necesidad de tocar el cuerpo del otro para hacernos entender”.
Le bonheur est un oiseau qui se pose sur la paume de la main pour le garder il ne faut pas essayer de le saisir.
Fashion is not enough anymore. It's not just about what you wear. I mean, I don't know how many women can afford to take the time to come to Paris for three fittings.
In fashion, the time is so short, and even with pre-collection, there are not only dresses, shoes, bags, and furs but now raincoats and T-shirts. It's just an endless amount of work that we have to produce in no time.