It's wearying, like Caliban buttonholing you in hell and telling you the struggle he's having getting along with himself.
¿Era amor que alguien llenara un espacio de tu vida que, cuando esa persona desaparecía, quedaba vacío dentro de ti como un bostezo enorme?
Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter what we wanted. What matters is what we chose to do with the things we had.
When the corruption seems to go all the way to the end of the world, the only good approach is through the front door with a gun in each hand.
I don't know why, but the Bible always seems to come to me in my time of need, even with the exact words.
Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt hollow and empty and aching.
Did you think the lion was sleeping because he didn't roar?
Did you know I have always suspected that men were idiots," Daphne ground out, "but I was never positive until today.
En absoluto. Antes sí era un hombre seguro de mí mismo, pero ya no lo soy. Cuando estoy contigo, ya no nunca estoy seguro de nada.
Der Lebensschutz des potentiellen Opfers soll mehr wiegen als die Menschenwürde des potenziellen Täters.
Um i'm happy to sit close to you and everything, but i had no idea you would like it so much,' Paris muttered.
That means life itself is a fairy tale. Like the characters, we all live and love and search for a happily-ever-after.
Need a triumph, his demon whined. I'll get you one. Promise. Sure? What are you, Doubt? Yeah, I'm sure.
Han fijado nuestra nutrición y dispuesto la duración de nuestras vidas. Más que esto,y más allá de esto,los esfuerzos no serán productivos.
Dar y Tomar El Patrón toma menos de lo que le es dado Y da más de lo que ha tomado
Problem was, he couldn’t masturbate his sexual desires away because he’d fry off his cock." Hector
Compulsive reading relieves the anxiety that comes from tramping through the forest of meditation in search of clearings.
But death has taken root inside you and you know it will grow, like a cancer with a voice, from now until the day it consumes you whole.
Ideologies, like dogs, remain just outside the hermits door.
Entre el deseo y la nostalgia, hay un punto que se llama el presente.