In popular Egyptian and regional culture, women are seen as weak, easy victims to temptation in the same way Eve couldn't resist that shiny apple in the Garden of Eden.
I know full well how important women are in diplomacy and development. I grew up with seven sisters.
It is ironic that American women now need to be fortified by the inspiration of the women of the Arab Spring, who risked so much to win basic human rights.
So many women buy these boxy, shapeless jackets. I always tell them to buy a jacket one size too small to get the right fit.
That was a major goal for me - to be able to reach and encourage more women, to encourage them to express themselves and be what they want to be. People get very trapped where they are.
If you see everything from the point of view of women being victims in some way, you don't see the wood for the trees. It is better to be a person than a woman.
Of course, the outcome of the war would not have been changed. The war was lost perhaps, when it was started. At least it was lost in the winter of '42, in Russia.
I have already given two cousins to the war and I stand ready to sacrifice my wife's brother.
What the war did was give me the opportunity of three years of continuous reading, and it was in the course of reading that I became convinced that I should become an economist.
We experienced similar fears in the 1880s, at the end of World War I and II. And we ran out in the 1970s.
We convinced him quickly that the possibility of war was absolutely nil and continued our festivity. On the next day we were ordered to take the field.
Abraham Lincoln went through 12 generals before he got Ulysses S. Grant. He had never done a Civil War before.
I don't believe in war as a solution to any kind of conflict, nor do I believe in heroism on the battlefield because I have never seen any.
La vida está hecha de fragmentos, y a duras penas uno logra reunirlos. Nada, ninguna relación es completa. Nadie lo es todo para nadie. El amor completo es una invención retórica, una forma de expresar algo mucho más confuso y elemental y que po...
Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde, te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo: así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera, sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres, tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía, tan cerca que s...
En fin, llego a casa. Prendo la tele. Hay una lucha de box. Escucho que alguien dice: "den una buena pelea". Yo pienso que ninguna pelea puede ser buena y la apago. Tomo el periódico. Leo que "el valor del petróleo se incrementa". Para mí el petr�...
Cuando cae un rayo después de que te hayas ido, o se estrella un avión en el que podrías haber estado. Cuando tu compañero de trabajo enferma y tú no. Creemos que esas cosas son fortuitas, pero hay un equilibrio en todo. Uno se marchita, otro cr...
Numai moartea e o forță la fel de absolută, dar în lupta de veacuri dintre aceste două puteri, dragostea este cea care ia moartea de gât, îi pune genunchiul în piept, o bate ziua și noaptea, o învinge în fiecare primăvară, o urmărește ...
Henric a fost un individ complex, impulsiv si schimbator, care se pricepea sa ii deruteze pe cei din jur atunci cand incercau sa afle motivele pentru care facea un lucru sau altul. In plus, este greu de crezut ca el insusi era suficient de lucid pent...
Cuando aceptas una invitación, lo que haces en realidad es decirle a la otra persona que le tienes respeto y la aprecias... Quien acepta la invitación puede ser un don nadie, pero eso da igual. Basta con que sea un ser humano libre e independiente....
La lassitude est la fin des actes d'une vie machinale, mais elle inaugure en même temps le mouvement de la conscience. Elle l'éveille et elle provoque la suite. La suite, c'est le retour inconscient dans la chaîne, ou c'est l'éveil définitif. Au...