How many State of the Union addresses do people remember? They don't resonate that way.
Flattery was one of Kissinger's principal tools in winning over Nixon, and a tool he employed shamelessly.
Full federal funding for presidential libraries should bring with it new rules of control over papers and artifacts.
Obama is cutting back on the idea that we're going to have Jeffersonian democracy in Pakistan or anywhere else.
It's always valuable for someone running for president... to have as much bipartisan support as possible.
Presidential aspirants reach for the highest office to satisfy some yearning for greatness or even immortality.
I worked for a brief spell as a journalist, but soon I discovered that I didn't want to be a journalist - I wanted to be a historian.
People think that when you use Google you're finding exactly what you need, but really, you need expert help.
La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnêtes gens des siècles passés.
While I was serving, I worked as an adventure training officer, teaching soldiers how to ski, canoe and climb.
I want to be a playwright the way people are bank tellers. I want to keep doing it and have it go steadily and smoothly.
Even though loneliness affects so many of us, it has gotten scant research attention compared to related conditions like depression or anxiety.
Angels, demons, spirits, wizards, gods and witches have peppered folk religions since mankind first started telling stories.
Biology sets the context, and that is critical, but obesity still boils down to whether a person eats too much or exercises enough.
Many of us are tethered to bodies that sabotage us in our struggle to keep from getting fat, or to slim down when we do.
Whatever the reason for any one individual's tendency to gain weight, the only way to lose the weight is to eat less and exercise more.
Through social media, young people are constantly being pinged about a whole slew of potentially better matches or social activities.
Any successful black person will have to face suspicion within his or her own community about his or her loyalty to other blacks.
We know that we're not supposed to be racially biased, and we don't want to think of ourselves as racially biased, so we tell ourselves a different story.
A small number of people and groups control the Democratic primary.
American products are marvels of production and functionality, but were unnecessarily and unbearably ugly, noisy smelly and offensive.