Success is a great deodorant.
I've turned down soap and deodorant commercials - it wasn't my route.
I have a Secret. I keep it under my arms in the form of deodorant.
I don't use deodorant. If you drink enough water, you shouldn't have to. I think I smell pretty good without it.
I would write ads for deodorants or labels for catsup bottles if I had to.
I like ungroomed men. The relaxed look. I don't like fussy guys. Just shower and use deodorant.
Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant.
A brick could be used as a deodorant deterrent. Just ask any stinky Congressman.
When I was a little boy, I used to work in a sweatshop. We made deodorant.
Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it.
Common sense is like deodorant. People that need it most don't use it.
I've always said winning's the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record, everything stinks, and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart.
Posing the question: does the god of love use underarm deodorant, vaginal spray and fluoride toothpaste?
My workout regimen at the moment is nonexistent. I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. My toothbrush and deodorant are my only dumbbells. That's about it.
Oh good Lord. She definitely hadn't put on enough deodorant for this.
I put my deodorant on like I’m painting my armpits with a paintbrush. Art is everywhere and in everything—especially love.
I smell of sweat. I don't like people smelling of all these weird things. I think deodorant is disgusting.
I don't wear cologne. I do occasionally, but anytime I take a shower, I just put on deodorant. That's basically what I smell like.
And I was fairly certain that my strong-enough-for-King-Kong-but-made-for-a-woman deodorant had utterly failed. --Doom with a View
I just bought some long-lasting deodorant. You know, for the afterlife. Eternity is a long time to have stinky armpits.
I had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people's plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant.