A demon obsessed with being human is a demon no longer
Don't make light of any man's pain.
Luck has a way of evaporating when you lean on it.
Do I believe in demonic possession? My thinking is more aligned with 'demonization' in the context of Christianity & Spirit-filled believers, whereas I am quite certain an 'unbeliever' can possibly become 'possessed' by a demonic spirit('s).
You see Democrats who will demonize business. I don't do that. You see Republicans who demonize labor. I don't do that.
Mrs. Lovett: I was only thinking of you.
Sweeney Todd: At last! My arm is complete again.
No matter what danger you might face," the wizard resumed, "within this book is a magical solution." I did as Ebenzum bade, opening to a page titled "EZ Wizard's Index." I scanned quickly down the righthand column: Demons, who are about to eat you, 2...
I can smite you " Nick grumbled. "Anytime I like.
Maybe he thinks he can rescue me? No one is that stupid.
I need to go to parties, Raisa mused, so I don't think so much.
A demon, in a way, is a test of your faith. Because if you're doing God's work, there's no reason for any demon to do anything to you.
Johanna: If I cannot fly, let me sing...
I find it sad that more Christian literature does not address miracles, and the possibility of demons in our midst. Jesus performed countless miracles in his life that were clearly discussed in the New Testament. And, he cast out demons. Why do some ...
A writer’s brain is full of little gifts, like a piñata at a birthday party. It’s also full of demons, like a piñata at a birthday party in a mental hospital. The truth is, it’s demons that keep a tortured writer’s spirit alive, not Tootsie...
He thought he’d lived through everything. Only now did he realise he’d merely existed.
Friends don't menace friends with giant terrifying swords, okay?
Not really a party until someone brings the surprise zombies.
Your bone shall remain Your flesh shall remain Your spirit shall remain
I was out of Hell Fire and my black market dealer was dead.
I chose fat and functional over slender and miserable.