It was simply impossible to support Carter for reelection in 1980 and easy for me to support Reagan. The Reagan campaign was happy to have Democratic support, and the Reagan administration was happy to have Democrats in it; they took the view that, a...
The Republican Party supported the Equal Rights Amendment before the Democratic Party did. But what happened was that a lot of very right-wing Democrats, after the civil rights bill of 1964, left the Democratic Party and gradually have taken over the...
There are two strategies available in a partisan political environment for communities working for justice. You can join the Democratic Party - and, once inside the tent, work to bend it more to your will. Or you can not join the Democratic Party - a...
The author points out strikingly different reactions to calamity. While many passengers of a devastating shipwreck were thankful to be alive, future presidential assassin Charles Guiteau saw his being spared as proof of his exceptionalism rather than...
Dr. Lister, who treated the wounded Pres. Garfield, had been so stung by the medical establishment's reaction to his embrace of African-American doctors that he, in response, refused to do part from the status quo enough to considering using antisept...
Are you smarter than my chicken?” cried a weathered, wild-haired woman holding a nonplussed bird over her head. At her feet was a wooden board covered with numbers and arcane symbols. “Lay your bets! Test your wits against a trained fowl! One cop...
Jefferson, who spent his life collecting books, many of which he donated to the Library of Congress, boasted that America was the only country whose farmers read Homer. “A native of America who cannot read or write,” said John Adams, “is as rar...
Pragmatists are sometimes more prone to illusion than dreamers; when they fall for something, they fall hard, not knowing how to protect themselves, while we dreamers are more practiced in surviving the disillusionment that follows when we wake up fr...
As the nation divided into Federalists and Republicans, each group called the other the worst name possible: "party". Most Americans feared the idea of party; believing that a society should unite to achieve the public good, they denounced parties as...
Speaking the truth is for losers and egomaniacs.
No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country.
I hope the two wings of the Democratic Party may flap together.
If Democrats were good at thinking like Republicans, they would see the light and stop being Democrats.
I never said all Democrats were saloonkeepers; what I said was all saloonkeepers are Democrats.
The Democratic Party is the party of the status quo.
In a democratic society, we politicians have to accept criticism, especially when it is founded.
Call me, and I'd do anything for the Democratic Party.
Nationalizing businesses, nationalizing banks, is not a solution for the democratic party, it's the objective.
The machinery of the democratic process is really no different today from what it was 150 years ago.
Democratic leaders always seem to blame America first.
You cannot use the democratic process for the procurement of excellence.