Even though it's meant to be the season of jollity and goodwill, there's something delicious about the anticipation of a Christmassy ghost thrill.
A growing number of young women who have the freedom to decide have decided that career can wait, and the delicious early years of their children's lives can't.
When I'm acting, I'm two beings. There's the one monitoring the distance between myself and the camera, making sure I hit my marks, and there is the one driven by this inner fire, this delicious fear.
My idea of a delicious time is to read a book that is wonderful. But the ruling passion of my life is being a seeker after truth and the divine.
I'm not very much of a foodie; I like small amounts of delicious things, but I've never overeaten - I'd much rather have a glass of wine.
The scent of wine, oh how much more agreeable, laughing, praying, celestial and delicious it is than that of oil!
Radishes grow just about anywhere. People think, 'Oh it's just a radish.' But radishes are delicious, and people don't think of cooking them.
There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they'll take you.
A bowl of diligence and perseverance, a cup of faith and a pinch of inspiration mixed with a spoon of contentment are the ingredients of a delicious success. Cook yours well.
I remember the fact that milk was delivered every day by a milkman. In summer, my mother would make what now seem in my middle-aged imagination the most delicious iced milkshakes.
I'm being hypocritical because I have a Twitter, but I try to not talk about things like, 'Oh, I had a grapefruit this morning and it was delicious,' because, who cares?
My mom makes something called green pie, which I thought was a delicacy that many people only had at Thanksgiving, but it turns out it was just Jell-O with whipped cream on it. And it's delicious.
Martha Brewster: [to Mortimer] One of our gentlemen found time to say "How delicious"!
Writing like this is a little like milking a cow: the milk is so rich and delicious, and the cow is so glad you did it.
Delicious days ahead for solitude and writing and, oh yes, the holiday meal with family. Live with my characters until term starts in 2012!
I don't always buy organic food. It is more expensive.
I really have a passion for food. Of course, music, but behind that, it's food.
Most people are satisfied with the junk food being sold as music.
I take my part in the food chain very seriously.
People are lazy, and they want their fast food via the television.
I love spicy food, love it. But wasabi is just painful.