But celebrity really doesn't mean anything unless you use it for finding some way to give back and I've always felt that way.
Meaning is produced not only by the relationship between the signifier and the signified but also, crucially, by the position of the signifiers in relation to other signifiers.
I believe strongly in inspiration, inspiration literally meaning 'full of the spirit.' I do believe that it comes to you.
My style is mainly about comfort. It has to be comfortable, it has to lay right on me, know what I mean?
J E S U S means Justify Eternally after being Sanctified with the Understanding of the Scripture .
Character in a saint means the disposition of Jesus Christ persistently manifested.
I will not say the fact that there are no European Union observers at an election means that it will not be fair and free.
The essential is to excite the spectators. If that means playing Hamlet on a flying trapeze or in an aquarium, you do it.
I prefer the old masters, by which I mean John Ford, John Ford, and John Ford.
The only reason for doing a play is to make a statement about it, and by that I don't mean a conceit of the producer.
I never experiment with anything in my books. Experimentation means you don't know what you're doing.
With a painter's temperament, all that's needed are the means of expression sufficient to be intelligible to the wide public.
All that passes is raised to the dignity of expression; all that happens is raised to the dignity of meaning. Everything is either symbol or parable.
The reason most comedies don't win awards is that the filmmakers put the comedy first. This means you have to create a story around the jokes.
P57/8- one must seek to live with others in solidarity..only through communication can human life hold meaning.
The old laws do not stand. Everything can be remade. Marriage does not mean marriage now
A true heiress is never mean to anyone - except a girl who steals your boyfriend.
'Moxie' is a name that was created by an American for the first national soft drink and then went on to mean chutzpah, and that's nice.
It means, people who are in high and responsible positions, if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer.
While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else.
Once I commit to something, I complete it. If I say 'no,' I mean 'no.' I just have to learn how to say 'no' more.