You might tell me that you have been engaging in some deep questioning and theological rethinking.1 You can no longer live with the faith you inherited from your parents or constructed earlier in your life. As you sort through your dogma and doctrine...
February. Get ink, shed tears. Write of it, sob your heart out, sing, While torrential slush that roars Burns in the blackness of the spring. Go hire a buggy. For six grivnas, Race through the noice of bells and wheels To where the ink and all you gr...
I love the night passionately. I love it as I love my country, or my mistress, with an instinctive, deep, and unshakeable love. I love it with all my senses: I love to see it, I love to breathe it in, I love to open my ears to its silence, I love my ...
What I’ve come to realize I that I don’t like action for action’s sake. Mindless explosions, super close ups of combat and gore, and unnecessary effects make me zone out incredibly fast. What I do love is a fight that is well choreographed and ...
I believe we inherit a great river of knowledge, a flow of patterns coming from many sources. The information that comes from deep in the evolutionary past we call genetics. The information passed along from hundreds of years ago we call culture. The...
I have no rules. For me, it's a full, full experience to make a movie. It takes a lot of time, and I want there to be a lot of stuff in it. You're looking for every shot in the movie to have resonance and want it to be something you can see a second ...
It can be difficult to leave a long-term relationship, even when our inner-wisdom tells us it's time to let go. At this point, we can choose let go and endure the intense pain of leaving behind the familiar to make way for a new chapter in our life. ...
Harry Ellis: [watching the terrorists in deep discussion] What do you think? Holly Gennero McClane: Something's wrong. Harry Ellis: Cops? Holly Gennero McClane: [pauses] John. Harry Ellis: John? Aw, Christ, he can fuck this whole thing up! What does ...
[first Lines] Narrator: In the final decade of the 21st Century, men and women in rocket ships landed on the moon. By 2200 AD, they had reached the other planets of our solar system. Almost at once there followed the discovery of hyperdrive through w...
[At the CIA Deep Detention Facility, Hobbs and his men escort Shaw through a corridor with guns on the wall pointing at Shaw] Deckard Shaw: You sure you brought enough backup? Hobbs: They're not for me. They're protection for you from me killing your...
Madame Thénardier: Wait a bit! Know that face! Ain't the world a remarkable place! Thénardier: Men like me don't forget. You're the bastard that borrowed Colette! Madame Thénardier: Cosette! Thénardier: Whatever. Jean Valjean: What is this? Are y...
Keeper of the Seeds: What's at the Citadel? Max Rockatansky: Green. Toast: And water. There's a ridiculous amount of clear water. The Dag: It's got everything you need, as long as you're not afraid of heights. Keeper of the Seeds: Where does the wate...
Antoine Richis: Why did you kill my daughter? Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: I just needed her. Antoine Richis: Very well, but remember this... I'll be looking at you when you're laid on the cross and the twelve blows are crashing down on your limbs. When...
Jellon Lamb: [speaking about Arthur Burns] "We are white men, Sir, not beasts. Oh, he sits up there in those melancholy hills; some say he sleeps in caves like a beast, slumbers deep like the Kraken. The Blacks say that he is a spirit. The Troopers w...
The Operative: I already know you will not see reason. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: The Alliance wanted to show me reason, they shouldn't have sent an assassin. The Operative: I have a warship in deep orbit, Captain. We locked onto Serenity's pulse beacon...
My life is like an autumn leaf I lie around unclaimed. The breeze blows me around, To be trampled under the feet of men. Natures cruel feast has bestowed me with pain, Pain of being a part, Just a part of someone. Pain of departing, Departing from th...
Is it your implication that no good will come of this expedition?’ ‘Oh it will, sir; there’s no denying that.’ Captain Chillingworth’s words emerged very slowly, as if they had been pulled up from a deep well of bitterness. ‘I am sure it ...
A favor is a friendly, gracious, kind, generous or obliging act that is freely granted. It is offered and not solicited. A promise is a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something. It is a vow to commit oneself by a promise to do or g...
Daybreak has extraordinary hypnotizing influence, On us, idealistic observers. When red sun slowly reveals on the rivers surface, like in a mirror, It reminds of two lovers embracing, Just by looking into each others eyes. In such deep and serious co...
Creative exhaustion is first cousin to writer’s block. First off, I try to accept that when it hits, I am not wasting time, but preparing myself to return to work. I blog more. I do something different, like answering this question. If I can’t fo...
When You Are Old" WHEN you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And lov...