I feel like my agents are really amazing and smart.
I feel good, I feel good. Our training staff, they're the best.
I'm a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette.
I feel like I'm the luckiest man on the planet.
I feel like I'm the luckiest actress in the world.
I feel like I'm exactly where I should be.
I feel like we need more aggression today.
I feel like there's a world of possibilities out there.
I feel like I've been blessed.
Sometimes I feel like I'm sailing on a sunken dream
I feel like everything is possible.
I definitely feel Russian. I feel Russian, but at the same time when I'm in the States I feel at home, too.
I feel like good music comes and goes in waves.
I feel like my whole life only tennis.
I feel like I have the greatest life an artist could dream of.
I feel like my life is pretty special.
Well, honestly I feel like an ordinary woman.
I feel like directing is an innate talent.
I feel like a cliche.
Sometimes I feel like putting on a blazer with just a T-shirt.
I feel like I've been marinated in Australian theatre.